Chapter twenty five: Bratty

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Y/n's POV

We got home with the three infront of the television, cocomelon videos are playing. Givo sat wide awake on Taehyung's lap while holding onto Jimin's pinky finger.

"He's supposed to be asleep!" Jungkook scolded.

"We didn't woke him up! We're just watching over him while he sleeps when he starts to cry out of nowhere so we took him here and play videos for babies to calm him down!" Jimin defended.

Jungkook sighs and put the two boxes he was holding on the floor and took the other I am holding.

"Take a shower and change your clothes. I'll put these inside the cabinets." He peck my lips before making his way to the kitchen.

I walk pass the three and gave Givo a quick pat on his back before going upstairs to take a shower. After that, I wore my pink silk pajamas before going downstairs.

I rub my hair with a towel as I walk. Givo is still watching while the two uncles on his sides are dozing off.

"Taehyungie, you could go with Jimin upstairs to sleep. I'll stay here with baby Givo." I spoke and pat Taehyung's shoulder.

He flinched a little, probably surprised by my appearance. "Oh, yeah, sure." He stood up and carefully pass me Givo.

"Wake up, ducky. Get you dumbass up to our room because I ain't carrying you there." He kicked Jimin.

"Fuck—stop calling me ducky, you goat." Jimin sleepily glared at Taehyung while standing up.

"Yeah, yeah. Its not my fault that Givo pointed at you when a duck came on the television."

"Sure, it's my fault to mistook you as a goat 'cause you really look like one in my eyes."

They continue their nonsense bickering while heading upstairs. I shook my head to them. Thought they are the older in this household?

"Are you sleepy?" Jungkook came behind me and bend down to the couch to put his head on my shoulder.

"Not really," I replied.

"Is it okay if I take a shower while you two stay here?"

"Go on, me and baby will just be watching here 'til you comeback."

He hummed and kissed my neck before walking upstairs.

Sigh. Great, I am supposed to be avoiding him but look at us. Vivien. I don't feel really good when it comes to her.

About thirty minutes later, Jungkook returned in only a gray sweatpants, not wearing anything on his top.

"He's asleep."

My gaze turn onto the baby I am holding and was startled to see him sleeping. Bit of drool coming out of his mouth.

I heard Jungkook chuckles before picking him up. He carefully hold the sleeping baby and grab the remote to turn off the television.

"Let's go."


"What the?"


"Jungkook. Is this the reason why you took half an hour upstairs?"


"I'm bringing my things back to the guest room, bye."

"How about Givo?"

"I'll sleep with him in my room."

He pouted. "But I want too..."

"Want too what?"

"Sleep with him and you." He gently place the baby in the his crib and walk towards me.

"Let's go, baby." He grab the pillows and comforter in my hand and bring me to the bed.

"Miss you so much." He lay me down and hovered over me, bringing his face closer to mine.

"Kiss." He spoke, his voice is so demanding.

I continue to stare at him, doing nothing.

"Kiss me right now before I fuck you right here. You don't want the baby to woke up, wouldn't you?"



".... That's not a kiss."

"It is."

"A kiss should involves tongues."

I can feel heat coming on my cheeks after hearing that. He is so bold, and its so hot-

I mean, the room temperature. Its hot.

I didn't move a muscle. My hips were suddenly jerked upwards. Jungkook is starting to take of my lower clothes. My eyes widen and immediately pull his face closer to mine, claiming his lips.

He accidentally groaned at my move making me talk between the kiss.


He rest his one hand beside my head while the other one is cupping my face, making the kiss go deep and deeper.

A weird sensation spread over my stomach making me want to kiss his lips more and more. His hands leaves their spot and start to travel around my body. He slid the one around my waist and pulled me closer, and the other one grab a handful of my ass.

"You've got—," he spank it. "a big booty there, baby. I love it."

It made me worried that Givo might be awoken by the sound of him slapping my butt cheeks so I immediately pulled away from the kiss and look at the figure of Givo. Relief spread over my body after seeing him still sleeping. Some babies are so hard to calm down when their sleep had been disturbed by anybody, which made me feel little worried since I don't know how to deal with it.

"He won't wake up," Jungkook pulled me to him again and kissed my lip quickly but deep. "But we're not that sure, so you need to keep down your sounds while I fuck you rough, understand?" Oh fuck.

"I asked, do you understand?" I gulped.



Oh, no. Don't tell me—

"I think you forgot something to add there."

Don't fucking tell me he has that type of kink?!

"Uh—uhm, I—" I stuttered, not really sure what to say. And him hovering above me while his lower half is in between my thighs is not really helping at all.

"Sir, baby."

"Yes, s-ir."

"Hm.." He hummed lowly before detaching himself from me and stand up on the floor, looking at me lustily while biting his lips.

"Why won't you suck your sir off for being a bratty girl, huh beautiful?"


wowowowowowowowowowowowoeoowoeoeowowow take it easy bro, not infront of an innocent soul.

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