Chapter thirty four: Found

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Vivien's POV


"Ma'am, how is Y/n?"

"Uh, how should I say this..." I put my phone in loud speaker before putting it down on the table and continue putting my earrings on.

"Let's say that she's doing good."

"I went to the abandoned building you told me but she wasn't there anymore."

"I put her into another one. Hahaha! No one will ever get to see her again now."

"Can you...can you tell me where is the new one located?" I raised an eyebrow and glance at the phone.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"I-I just wanted to see how is she doing." I laugh at his reply.

"What? Thought you wanted her dead just last month for taking your son away from you, Theo."

"I wanted to see her the last time and make her and her parents regret what they did to me. Please, ma'am. I want to get revenge, I want to torture and make her cry until she passes out."

I smiled widely. "Perfect! I didn't get to touch her last night because of a sudden call, but I think you can do that for me today." I put on my red lipstick then picks up the phone before picking what heels should I wear.

"I would do that for you, ma'am."

"Great. Clarigate City, you know there's a dead town there, right? Seventh Avenue, 613. I'll send Kris and Wonho there to be with you."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Sure, I have to go now, bye." I hung up the phone and check the time. 7:46am. It's too early for my liking, but I'm so excited to meet my fiancé! Poor Y/n, will be dead forever in the eyes of her family and friends.

Y/n's POV

The night went by and it's now early in the morning. Don't know what the exact time is, but I think around 8 or 9. I'm still tied up on the chair and nobody is around.

*Click! Tap!*

I flinch at the sudden sound. It sounds like somebody stepped on something. I gulp. Fuck, what if someone is here? Should I be happy or no? Should I ask for help? What if it's just a drug dealer and will just kill me right away?


Several footsteps can be heard now.

Calm down, it's just the guys that took you here last night. Calm. Down.



Jungkook's POV

"I wanted to see her the last time and make her and her parents regret what they did to me. Please, ma'am. I want to get revenge, I want to torture and make her cry until she passes out."

I almost throw a punch at him after he said that, but I understand that he said that for Vivien not to be suspicious to him. Y/n's parents found out that Theo, Y/n's auntie's husband never really flew to another country a few weeks ago. He just went to the other city far away from here because of the guilt.

They went to asks the police to help them find him, they told them he is missing. After a few weeks, they found him on the town down the seaside. He was soon put behind the jail after the polices found out that he is doing illegal drugs. He feels miserable to the point that he just left the police to do what they want to him, and also gave us an information. That he helped Vivien take Y/n by teaming up with her. He take us to the abandoned building saying she was there but we got nothing, so he volunteered to call her and lie to get the true location where Y/n could be.

"Great. Clarigate City, you know there's a dead town there, right? Seventh Avenue, 613. I'll send Kris and Wonho there to be with you."

I furrowed my eyebrows at the unfamiliar names. Soon, they ended the call and gave his phone back to the police.

"May I know who are those said people?" An officer asked.

"Those are the two who kidnapped Y/n." I clenched my jaw. Shitty names for shitty persons.

"Let's go, it will be 1 hour ride."

"I will come." I spoke.

"Sorry sir, but you can't—"

"I will. The person you are saving is my girlfriend, so I will come." The cop sigh at my stubbornness.

"Can't believe thirty years olds can be this stubborn." I heard him mumbled. Just because you're 25 doesn't mean you can insult older people!

"Ok, but please don't leave the car when we got there." I nodded.

I used my car and follows the police cars infront of me. I'm excited but at the same time nervous. Excited to see her again after a long time, but nervous on what would I see there. She's still alive. She should be alive.

An hour of ride and we arrive at a silent place. Every thing seems to be destroyed and burnt. We stopped outside an abandoned building. I watched the police as they got out of their car and enter the place with guns in their hand. I stayed inside like I said.

2 minutes.

5 minutes.

8 minutes.

A sudden loud gunshots made me jump in my seat.

"Fuck. Be safe please..." I badly want to go there.

The firing went on about 1 minute then stopped, making me sigh in relief. I silently got out of my car and wish to see Y/n walking out with the police.

"Medic!! Medic!!" My heart drop after seeing a woman in one of the officers arms, almost naked and blood leaking down her forehead.




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