Chapter twenty two: Givo

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Y/n's POV

I'm sitting on the couch in the living room with Jungkook's friends bickering beside me.


"Just call us by our name, lady. Being called uncle made me feel thirty."

"You're actually thirty, Jimin." Taehyung spoke, not taking a glance at Jimin as he look at the chessboard on the table infront of us.

"I know. Don't be obvious."

Taehyung move his one and only knight—because Jimin had already captured the other one—then give Jimin a signal that its his next to move.

They become silent and focused on their game. Jungkook, on the other hand is sitting in the kitchen stool. Unfortunately, he can see me while he is seated there. I can feel his burning stare at me.

Jimin smirked and move his bishop that's standing on white square and move it diagonally and then capture the knight Taehyung just moved.

"Oh, holy mother! I didn't see that! I underestimated you man, at the thirty years of age, you're pretty smart."

Jimin throw the piece he just captured seconds ago towards Taehyung, hitting him straight on the face.

"Stop mentioning my age, Taeh."

The sound of the doorbell rang along with Jimin's voice.

I immediately went up from my seat and quickly goes to the front door. I hurriedly opened it and there my mom stands while holding a baby in her arms that's wrapped on a blanket.

"Come in, mom." I led her inside and made get sat down on the couch.

"Kook, I'm sorry for the unexpected arrival." She stated as soon as Jungkook walk to us. Dad came after we sat down. He is holding bags.

Taehyung and Jimin left their game and look at us. They locked gaze with my dad causing them to bow their head down once they noticed that the man is older than them.

"Oh, these two are my friends, Taehyung and Jimin. They are just visiting." Jungkook introduces the two. Mom smiles at them and dad just nodded.

"I heard something happened. Can I help with anything?" Jungkook asked and sat down opposite to my mom. He soon noticed the baby in her arms.

He cooed, "What a cute little angel, whose is this?" He sweetly asked and slowly approached the baby, gently stroking its small head.

"Its my sister's baby. Aren't he cute?" Mom happily spoke.

"He is indeed cute." Jungkook said.

Mom cleared her throat before speaking. "Kook, we really need a favor right now."

"Hm? What is that?"

" sister just died and her husband flew to another country, abandoning their child." She spoke.

She sigh, "I know it's a big favor but—can baby Givo stays here with you and Y/n for the meantime? I don't really have much relatives to ask them to watch the baby, same with my sister's husband since he is the only child. Even if he have, I am too mad at him to give them the baby."

There was a silence. I was about to talk and say its all okay and the baby can stay with us, but Jungkook beat me to it.

"Of course, we can watch over little Givo for a meantime." He smiles. "I would be glad that someone will keep me company."

"Really?!" Mom shrieked in happiness.

"Jungkook, we cannot really say how thankful we are." Dad said, smiling in relief.

"It's not a problem. Plus, let's say this is the way I am saying thank you for trusting me with your daughter."

Jungkook got up and hugged dad, patting each others back.

"All the things he needed is inside those bags." Mim spoke and pointed at the bags my dad carried earlier.

"I assume you know how things with babies works, right?"

"Yeah," Jungkook chuckles. "I have a baby sister, so I should just know how do things with babies works."

Mom smiled at him and got up. "Here, hold him. I will just have to talk to Y/n quickly." She handed him the baby. I almost awed at the view of him and the baby. They look adorable!

"Follow me." Mom spoke and I obeyed, following her to the kitchen.

"Shoot it." I demanded.

"Your aunt attempted suicide." I gasp.

"What? Why?"

"She found out that the reason why Theo is always coming home late and didn't even go with her when she is delivering their child out of her womb." I saw mom fisted her hands. "He is cheating."

My jaw dropped.

"With who?"


"Uncle's co-worker!?!? I thought that bitch is a saint when I first saw her—"



"Me and your dad would be busy with you aunt's funeral," her shoulder slumped down and her eyes starts glistening, tears threatening to fall.

I immediately hugged her. She hugs back and silently sob. "I can't believe it." She whispers, voice is weakening.

"Don't cry mom. I am sure aunt Mila will probably look at you weirdly once she saw you crying." She slightly chuckles. Aunt Mila is always teasing mom being a crybaby, since they were a kid until they have their own family.

She breath out heavily and break the hug then wipe her tears away. "We have to go now. Take care of the baby, okay? We will come back to get him in few days or weeks."

"Yes mom, take care of yourself. Aunty wants you to be strong." She smiles.

"I will be strong as a rock, sweetheart." She kissed my forehead and smiles once again. We came back in the living room with Jungkook carrying the baby and his two friends surrounding him.

"Awee cutie hiiii~"

"Hello baby babyy who is this cute little guy huh~? Who is ittt~?"

"Both of your breath stinks. Please move back I can't breath."

Dad stood near them and watched, a small smile displayed on his lips while shaking his head side to side.

"We have to go now." Mom went to dad. They bid us a proper goodbye before I escorted them outside and watched them driving off.

Aftet that, I came back in the living room.

"Damn, the poop is so nasty."

"Have you ever seen a poop that's not nasty, Taeh?"

"Yes. My poop."


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