Chapter thirty three: Trap

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Y/n's POV

Is she here to save me? Is Jungkook with her? A spark of hope break through my body, a smile slowly make its way to my face making the woman frown from my reaction.

"And why are you smiling?" She asked and slowly walks up to me.

"Vien! Is that really you? Where is Jungkook? Is he here?" She stopped for a moment before breaking into laughter. I looked at her confusedly while she continue to laugh her ass off. Did I said something funny?

" really thought I'm here to save your fucking ass?" she said between her laugher. My smile eventually vanished after hearing her. What is she saying?

She walks up to me and grab my face. "I am no superhero to save people's lives, especially to the one who ruined my love life."


"I didn't say you could talk!" Her grip on my face tightens making me hiss in pain. Her nails are literally digging in my flesh.

"Ow—s-stop," I struggled to speak as she tightens her hold. For about seconds, she just continue to look at me before she pulls away and order the men with us to take me inside.

I stumbled and nearly fall as they drag me aggressively inside. The inside is dark and cold, until we reached somewhere inside where there's a few light bulbs hanging around. They sat me in a chair and tie my hands together at the back, and both my foot in each on the chair leg.

"Shall we start the fun—" A phone ringing cut her voice off making her huff in annoyance. "Whose cell is that!??"

"I'm afraid it's yours, ma'am." The man on her left spoke. She rolled her eyes and pick her cellphone in her pocket. Her brows almost crashed together as she looks at who's calling before answering it.

"What?" She rudely says. Her eyes almost popped out of their socket while her phone is pressed on her ear.

"Really!?? He w-wants to meet me now and talks a-about our marriage?!?" My heart drops, as well as my breath stops. Could it be...

"Yes, yes, yes!!! I'm gonna get ready to face Jungkook. Gosh, I missed him so much."

"Wait-no, no need to buy me a ticket, I'm in America."

"I have the rights. Shhh, stop talking now, old man. Bye now! I'll see him tomorrow, 8 am. Goodbye~"

Jungkook...he wants to meet her and...and talk about their marriage? What? Did he forgot about me and now focusing on his...his future family? Does he not want me anymore? Did he really not try to find me?

"Well, well, my dear. I thought I'll have some fun with you tonight, but I guess it would be reschedule due to some important matters." She walks up to me and bend over to face me.

"I'll have to have a beauty sleep and rest because guess what?! I'm meeting your so called boyfriend—which is you're just being so delusional about—tomorrow! Guess what again? He want to talk about out marriage, so therefore, fuck off bitch because he is now mine." A smirk displayed on her lips as she talks. My heart tightened just imagining them getting married. Has Jungkook really gave up on me?

Jungkook's POV

"You did what?!?!"

"Shut it."

"Kook, are you out of your mind? I thought we're finding Y/n here? Why are you suddenly meeting up with that woman and most especially talks about the marriage?!!?"

"Stop talking, can you?"

"How can I stop talking when you're literally betraying Y/n—"

"I'm doing things in my way. Now, can you stop because my head started hurting hearing your high pitched voice that sounds like a high school pick me girl."

Jimin gasp. "What did you just called me??!?"

I held my arms in the air. "I don't recall calling you something."

"You fucking old man! I swear to god I'll snatch Y/n from you once I found her. She doesn't deserve a heck of a man like you."

"Tell me that when your wife is with us, and don't call me that because we're literally in the same age."

"But seriously, what are you trying to do?" Taehyung interfere with a plate full of strawberries in his hand.

"It's a trap." I finally let out.

"What trap?"

"It's the only way to get Vivien to the police."

"So you're planning to sue her?" I nodded my head at Taehyung.

"We don't have much evidence. We're not even sure if she's the one behind Y/n's case." Jimin spoke.

"I doubt that." They look at me with confusion written on their faces.

"I have evidence. Too much evidence to be exact. And Vivien..." I breathe in. "She's not able to ran away from the crime she did. She will never get away from me for kidnapping and hiding Y/N."

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