Chapter Nine

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I was sitting in the middle of Jeremy’s living room already looking at bridal magazines I had picked up when I went out to grab something for lunch. I was busy looking at the dresses and eating a slice of pizza when the doorbell went off. I sat the slice down on my plate and went for the door. When I opened it I found a smiling Scarlett.

“Jeremy called and told me he asked you! Congratulations Rowan!”

“Awe thank you! It was a total surprise to me, but we have an idea of when we want to get married and honeymoon, and I am in the process of looking through bridal magazines as I am trying to eat my lunch.”

Scarlett laughed as I let her in shutting the door behind her.

“Well I smell pizza, and I know you need help planning the wedding so I am here to help.”

“Come on in and grab a slice. Everything is on the living room floor.”

“You and Jeremy are so much alike.”

I laughed and walked back into the living room sitting down in my previous spot.

“I was in the military, so I know how to be neat when I have to, but at the moment I’m going to enjoy my pizza while trying to figure out all the wedding stuff.”

She laughed as she took a slice as well and started looking along with me.

“Well first off, do you want a big wedding or a small wedding?”

“Small for sure. I don’t like big events at all.”

“Okay so what like fifty people?”

“Yeah something like that. There are only a few people I want to invite from somewhere else, and then all of Jeremy’s friends as well. My close friend Anna is probably going to come in for the wedding and be my maid of honor, and I was wondering if you could be my other bridesmaid.”

“I’d love to Rowan!”

“Thanks Scarlett. Now we are planning on getting married in December and then go on our honeymoon. Jeremy still has to work out his side of the wedding, and usually the bride’s family pays for the wedding, but I still haven’t told my parent’s yet.”

“When do you plan on telling them?”

“Not sure. They haven’t even met Jeremy.”

“Well then I think before we do any more planning we need to work out when your parents are going to meet Jeremy and how you are going to tell them you two have gotten engaged.”

“Yeah that may be a bit of a problem anyway because my parents are living in the south of France at the moment. And besides I’m not too close to my parents.”

She seemed a little shocked at what I had to say, and I guess it was kind of odd.

“What happened between you and your parents?”

“My mom and dad wanted me to take over the business and become a socialite like my mother was when she was younger. I decided to leave for the army and my parents were very upset and didn’t talk much to me while I was gone and then when Jesse and I got together we came home on leave together and we started talking again and then when the whole accident happened I couldn’t bare to face my parents and yes they made sure I was settled here in LA before leaving but I have only spoken to them a few times since they left.”

“You have had quite an interesting life Rowan. If there is anything I can do to help you just let me know and I am willing to do it.”

“Thanks Scarlett. I guess you could call my parents or something and invite them here. They would more likely come here if they had a compelling reason to come out to California.”

“Like what?”

“How about a party. I know my mom would want to be here and maybe that’s when Jeremy and I can announce our engagement officially.”

Scarlett smiled as she handed me a bridal magazine.

“I like that idea. We can have a gala at one of the hotels for the engagement party and we can invite your parents and friends as well as Jeremy’s friends and family.”

“Yeah that sounds really great! But I think Jeremy is planning something else…”

She set her pizza slice back on her plate and looked at me puzzled.

“What do you mean?”

“He was on the phone again this morning and I don’t know he just seems like he’s got something else up his sleeve. He’s asked me to go with him when y’all leave to shoot more scenes. I won’t be able to go everywhere because I still have a job here and then a wedding to plan on top of that.”
“Well it will be an interesting time on the set. I’m pregnant so that will be interesting.”

It was my turned to be shocked.

“Scarlett, congratulations!”

“Thank you!”

“Okay so who’s the dad?”
“Well I was engaged as you know and my fiancée is the father, but we broke it off.”

“So you’re going to be a single mom then?”

“I think so… Chris may have something to say about that though.”

I smiled, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

“Well that would be a good thing.”

“Now you have to keep your mouth shut about the baby.”

“I will as long as you keep your mouth shut about the engagement.”

“Will do.”

We both laughed and went back to looking at magazines and eating what was left of the pizza. It was an enjoyable afternoon of looking at everything. I got an idea of what I wanted for my wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses. Scarlett left around four and I just waited around the house for Jeremy. I wasn’t too sure when he would be home so I decided not to cook anything, and it would be easier if he brought something home or we just eat leftovers. I had asked a friend to bring Jay and Apollo over to the house so I could have some company and Jeremy seemed to like the dogs. I brought them into the room and I fell asleep with the lying next to me on my bed.

 (Everyone please forgive me for not posting sooner!! I have been ill lately but I am almost recovered so I'll be posting more often now. Hope you enjoy the story!)

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