Chapter Eighteen

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"Baby, how about we go for a swim tonight?"
"Sounds like a good idea."
The limo dropped us off at Jeremy's and we made our way inside. We both went and changed after the long night at the show, and then, hit the pool.
"Rowan, you are so beautiful."
"Thank you Jeremy."
It was a beautiful night, and we could surprisingly see the stars, which in LA was a rare sight.
"Jeremy, we are getting married in a few days, but there are still things we haven't really talked about yet."
"Like what?"
"Well the first thing, is do you want children?"
"Yes I do."
"I do as well. How many would you want?"
"Two, maybe three."
"Same. I have always wanted to be a mom."
"I think you would make a wonderful mom."
"Thank you Jeremy. I hope that we can have kids some day."
"Me too, babe. Me too."
We stayed in the pool for a while, and then went and got ready to bed. Dove came in sometime around two that morning, after I had already gone to bed. I heard her come in, and she headed straight to her room, and shut the door. She must have had an amazing night out with Harry, and I knew I was going to hear all about it the next morning, and I knew I wasn't the only one who went to bed with a smile on their face.
The next morning, Dove was out the door before I had even had my cup of coffee. She said Harry was taking her out for the day, and she would be home later that evening. I heard Jeremy get up, and then the dogs ran back in from playing out in the yard.
"Babe, what do you want for breakfast?"
"Rowan, I'm taking you out. We have a reservation at a café in down town."
Jeremy came in with a smile on his face, and man I was I glad I had gotten ready.
"We are going on a date. I want to take my beautiful fiancée out for the day."
"Jeremy you are a romantic at heart, but if you want to take me out, then let's go."
He smiled, and walked over, pulling me into a kiss. He was such a romantic it surprised me sometimes. We went out for breakfast, and it was really sweet and intimate. Yes there were some photographers, but it didn't really bother me. I was just glad to be spending time with Jeremy. I knew Dove was enjoying herself because I kept seeing her tweet about her day, and then Harry tweeting about his, and seeing pictures of him, and Dove. And yes I had to admit they looked pretty happy together, and my baby sister was growing up.
"So where shall we go next Rowan?"
"I really don't know. What do you want to do?"
"How about we go pick out our wedding rings?"
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."
Jeremy took me to the jewelers where he bought my engagement ring, and we started looking at wedding bands.
"Jeremy, do you want something simple or no?"
"A simple band will be just fine with me."
I nodded, as I spotted a beautiful plain tungsten wedding band.
"Jeremy, what do you think about this one?"
"Perfect. I think that will work well for me."
We got the one in his size, but we still hadn't found the right band for me. I wanted something small, so it would be snug against my engagement ring and I wouldn't be as bothered by it.
"How about just a simple band with a few diamonds on it?"
"Yeah, that sounds good."
"Then how about this?"
The ring was just as he described it, and it was perfect, so we bought both of the rings, and headed back home.
"Rowan, you are beautiful."
"Thank you Jeremy."
"How are your arms healing?"
"They're better. I'm going to have scars for a while, but I'll be alright."
"I just want you to know I am so sorry, and that I love you so much."
"I love you too Jeremy, and the past has been forgotten. We are going to get married in a few days, and I just want to think about that."
"Alright. I can hardly believe that I am going to marry the love of my life in a few days."
"Same here Jeremy. I never would have guessed when you first pulled up that months later, I would be getting married to you."
"Me either. When I pulled up, I thought I was in for weeks of hell, but it turned out it wasn't so bad."
I couldn't help but laugh. His training was meant to be hell, but I had pity. So I let him off pretty easy for those few weeks.
"Jeremy, my parents do want to meet you, and I'm sure my father is going to ask you a ton of questions. Do you think you'll be able to handle my family?"
"Of course I will. And I know, technically I'm supposed to ask your father if I can marry you, but that's out of the question now."
"Yeah, since we are going to be married in two days. What if we go see my parents after we get married? And sort of have a mini honeymoon, before the big wedding and honeymoon in December?"
"I don't see why not. We could go a few weeks after we get married. Maybe after Dove returns home."
"Thank you, and frankly it wouldn't surprise me if she travels with Harry for a while."
"I could see that happening."
We spent the day just relaxing and planning our little getaway to my parents. I let Jeremy book the flight, while I went to go give my parents a call.
"Hi mom."
"Rowan, dear how are you?"
"Great mom. I was wondering if Jeremy and I could come for a visit in the next few weeks. I want you and dad to meet him."
"I don't see why not. We would love to have you come. Besides your father wants to sit down with him, and have a talk."
"Oh no. Dad is going to try and run him off isn't he?"
I heard my mom laugh, and I could almost see her face.
"Goodness no. He just wants to see what Jeremy is like, and he's just a little worried about you marrying someone who's so much older than you."
"Mom, I love him, and nothing is going to chance that. Not even age. I want you and dad to see how well he treats me, and that we are truly in love."
"Well I can already tell by the way you talk about him, that he seems like a good man. And I look forward to seeing you both in a few weeks. How is Dove doing?"
"Good, I think. She was around for the first few days, but she has been out with Harry most of the time."
"I should have known. I'm sorry I forgot to mention she had met him before."
"Mom it's fine. They are two teens in love. I am not going to stand in the way of that."
"They are quite a pair. Well I have to go pick up your father. See you soon Rowan."
"Tell him hi for me. Bye mom."
"Bye, love."
And that was the end of the conversation. We had our flight booked, and in a few days Jeremy and I would be married. It was all kind of surreal for me.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now