Chapter Sixteen

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A jet was just taxiing up to the building near the strip. He started the car, and we headed over to meet the plane. We got out and as soon door was open, Dove came running down the stairs and straight towards me. She nearly knocked me over as she hugged me.
"Rowan I have missed you so much!"
"I've missed you too sis."
As soon as I had managed to peel Dove off of me, I noticed Jeremy already had her things in the car.
"Dove I want you to meet someone."
Dove caught a glimpse of Jeremy as he came around the front of the car.
"You mean, he is actually going to be my brother in law?"
"Yes now, come on and meet him."
Dove was excited to say the least. Jeremy smiled when he saw Dove and me walking towards the car.
"Jeremy, I want you to meet my little sister Dove."
"Dove nice to meet you."
He extended his hand out to her, but she shook her head and hugged him. I noticed Jeremy was a little taken back, but he didn't care and hugged her back.
"Jeremy, pleasure to meet you in person."
"Same with you Dove."
It took me a minute to pry Dove off of Jeremy, but as soon as I did, we all got in the Jeep.
"So where should we go first?"
"How about somewhere we can go shopping?" I chuckled but nodded.
"Okay, yeah I guess we could do that for a bit."
"Okay, Jeremy looks like you are taking the two of us shopping for some new clothes or shoes or something like that."
"Well looks like I'm in for a long day."
Dove and I both laughed as we pulled out of the airstrip, and headed towards the major shopping area of LA. Jeremy parked in a parking garage that was about two blocks from where we would be doing our shopping, so we would hopefully avoid all the photographers that had a tendency to follow Jeremy and me wherever we went out in public. Dove was not used to the photographers, and most people weren't too interested in what my parents did on a regular basis.
"Dove, where should we go shopping first?"
"I'm up for whatever. I'm happy with just hanging out and looking around."
"Okay, well how about you come help me find something, and it will give Jeremy time to go get himself a new suit."
Dove looked at me curiously, but nodded and followed me as I went into a dress shop, and Jeremy walked down the block to one of his favorite suit shops.
"So what are we looking for Rowan?"
"A white dress."
"You mean like a wedding dress?"
"Sort of. Scarlett is taking me wedding dress shopping Friday I think... I mean just a simple but beautiful white dress."
"There is something you are not telling me Rowan, and I am going to find out one way or another..."
Dove was just as nosey as I was and it was starting to get on my nerves a little bit. I had better just tell her because she would find out soon enough.
"Can you keep a secret? And no you may not tell mom when you get home."
"Yeah I guess I can. What's up?"
"Jeremy wants to elope... sort of..."
I just nodded, as we began to look through the prom dresses that were being displayed searching for a white one.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
"Dove, I love Jeremy so much and I want to do this. I want to marry him."
"I'm glad. He seems to really love you and I can tell he's going to treat you right. Now let's find you a dress."
I just smiled at Dove, as she dragged me through the store and I let her pick out several dresses for me. The one I ended up settling on, was a simple strapless dress with beads on the top. It was much like a ball gown, and it was perfect for my secret wedding. We bought it and took it back to the car before Jeremy got there with his new suit. This week was going to be interesting for sure. We all went to lunch and then got shirts for the concert, and then headed home to get Dove settled.

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