Chapter Five

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“You look beautiful Rowan.”

“Thank you. You look so handsome.”

He smiled and took my hand.

“Ready to go?”

“Ready when you are.”

He smiled and we walked out to the garage.

“What are we taking tonight?”

“My land rover.”

“Sounds like a plan. I didn’t want to have to get into my jeep in these heels.”

He laughed as he helped me into the car. We pulled out of his driveway and headed into town. We talked for a while, and then just enjoyed the quiet. He held my hand while we drove, and I couldn’t help but smile. He had made me so happy over the past weeks that I wondered if it was a dream at times.

We stopped at a light, and he leaned over to kiss me, but his seat belt locked up on him.

“Dang it.”

I laughed.

“Just fix it.”

He sighed and took off his seatbelt, and at the time the light was still red. I was about to say something, when a vehicle hit the back of our car, extremely hard causing me to go forward and hitting the dash while Jeremy went through the windshield. I screamed, and quickly undid my seatbelt, despite the blood coming from the gash on my forehead. I quickly got out of the car, and ran to where Jeremy was lying on the pavement in front of the car. I called 911, and checked for his vitals. They were weak but there.

“Jeremy baby please stay with me.”
I held onto him, and several people came around to check on us. The driver from the truck was completely buzzed, and he didn’t know what he had just done. The paramedics arrived about five minutes later, and they immediately took Jeremy. I tried to go with him, but they wouldn’t allow it.

“He’s my boyfriend. Let me go with him!”

“Mam, you need to come with us in the other ambulance. Your wounds need to be treated, and you can join him at the hospital.”


I allowed the man to help me into the ambulance, and I let them bandage the gash on my forehead, and the cuts from glass on my arms. They gave me a once over at the hospital and then they told me I was good to go. Jeremy on the other hand was still being patched up. He had a broken collarbone, and a lot of cuts and bruises, and most likely a concussion. I sat in the waiting room, and called Scarlett.

“Rowan, where are you two? Chris and I were going to surprise you guys.”

I started crying.

“Scarlett, can you come down to the hospital?”

“Rowan, what happened?”

“Someone hit us at a stop light, and Jeremy had his seat belt off because it jammed up and he went through the windshield.”

“Oh my gosh, honey we will be right there.”

“Thanks Scarlett.”

Less than ten minutes later Chris and Scarlett came through the doors. I stood up and they rushed over.

“Hun, where is Jeremy?”

“The doctor is still with him.”

Scarlett pulled me into a hug.

“He’ll be okay.”

Chris nodded.

“If there is anything we can do just let us know.”

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now