Chapter Thirty Eight

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Jeremy's P.O.V: One Month Later

Rowan had started her new job and was enjoying it, quite a lot. It meant I didn't have as much time with her as I was used to, but that was okay. I knew Rowan was happy to be working again, and when she was happy it made me happy. It meant that I had more time with Annie, and it was quite fun. Annie was such a cute baby, and I couldn't believe she was my daughter.

"Jeremy, I'm home!"

I smiled as I heard my wife come in the door. Annie was in my lap and she smiled when she heard Rowan's voice. Rowan gave me a kiss before scooping up Annie in her arms.

"How was your day at work?"

"I fell out of a building, and did a motorcycle scene. Let's just say I have a few new bruises."

"Is your back hurting again?"


"We'll take a shower as soon as Annie goes down for a nap."

"I like the sound of that. When is she supposed to take a nap?"

"Shortly. She's just had a bottle and it about ready to go down. She's been a busy girl."

"Okay, well why don't you go get the shower ready and I'll go rock her to sleep."

"Okay, sure sweetheart."

I headed into the bathroom and laid out towels, as well as a fresh set of towels. I grabbed some clothes for Rowan and decided instead of a shower, I'd run a bath in our big spa like tub. Five minutes later, Rowan walked in with the baby monitor, and she looked exhausted.

"Are you okay Rowan?"

"I really don't know... I got kicked really had in the stomach, and despite the body armor I feel like crap... And I threw up four times on the way home."

I was shocked, and as she pulled off her t-shirt, I could see the bruises.

"Babe, that is awful. I am so sorry."

"It's okay, Jeremy. Things like this happen when you do stunts for a living...Let's just forget about it."

"Rowan, I can't. Just get in the tub, and then I am taking you to the doctor."


I had the full intention of joining Rowan in the tub, but I had a phone call to make. I stepped out of the bathroom to give Anna Davis a call.

"Hello, Doctor Anna Davis speaking."

"Anna, it's Jeremy. I know it's short notice but I need to get an appointment for Rowan."

"Of course, I can see her in about an hour. Is everything alright?"

"She's started working as a stunt woman again, and I'm worried about her. Apparently she took a pretty hard hit to her abdomen and she's been getting sick."

"Okay, I'll move my next appointment. I want her here as soon as you can get her here."

"We will be leaving in about ten minutes."

"Sounds good. And pack a bag, I might want her here overnight."

"I understand."

It didn't take long for me to get Rowan ready to go, and Annie in her car seat. Rowan complained the whole way to the hospital, when she wasn't throwing up... I really didn't know what was going on, which was a common thing when Rowan was sick, but most of the time she had an idea of what was going on. This time she didn't have a clue either.

When we got there, Rowan was taken to a private room while I had to stay and fill out all of the paperwork. Thankfully Annie was still asleep.

Rowan's P.O.V

As I was being looked at the nurse noticed the bruises.

"Mam, who did this to you?"

"I am a stunt woman. It happened at work."

"Are you scared of your husband at all?"

I looked at her stunned.

"No, he'd never hurt me, and he did not do this to me. I work for Marvel, as a stunt woman plain and simple."

The woman nodded and finished up what she was doing and left. Soon Anna came in, with Jeremy in tow.

"Where's Annie?"

"Joe just picked her up. It wasn't a good idea to bring her in."

I nodded as Jeremy sat down beside me on the bed, and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Rowan, it looks like you have a couple bruised ribs, and I want you to take it easy for a few weeks to let those properly heal. I just want to run a few more tests to make sure everything is okay. I want you to stay overnight, but other than that you should be okay to keep working."

"That's good to hear, because I have more scenes to film in three days."

"Just take it easy, and if I were you, I would tighten your body armor a little better."

"Okay, I'll take that into account. I think it was more bad timing on my part, but really I guess I should just learn to be more careful."

"That's never a bad idea."

I laughed and after she left, I laid back against Jeremy.

"Why do I have to stay over night?"

"Not sure, but I think it's a good idea. That way you can actually get some rest."

"I get plenty of rest at home, unless you end up changing that..."

"Yeah, sorry about that...But if you weren't so dang beautiful..."

"Oh hush... We both enjoy the nights that we don't get much sleep."

"Indeed we do... Indeed we do."

I laughed as I turned and kissed him. Jeremy was the man of my dreams, and well he was amazing in many, many different ways. My husband was sexy, plain and simple, and he was the love of my life. 

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now