Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Jeremy Renner, you get back here right now!"

"Catch me if you can, baby."

I groaned as I grabbed a towel and walked back into the bedroom and got another change of clothes. Jeremy had dashed out of the bathroom with all of my clothes after we had gotten out of the shower. I had married a big kid, and I was paying for it this morning.

"Jeremy! You are going to pay for this."

I could hear him laughing in the kitchen and I just rolled my eyes. He was so going to pay, and I was going to have a blast getting my revenge.

I walked into the kitchen and Jeremy was busy giving Annie her breakfast. Of course, he had forgotten one important piece of clothing. He was standing in nothing but his basketball shorts, with no shirt. For once I could see the tattoo of his family crest on his left arm, and once again he caught me staring.

"Rowan, you're staring."

"Could you blame me? I have an extremely sexy husband."

"Hey, not in front of our daughter..."

"Then maybe you should put a shirt on."

"Yeah, but you seem to like the view... So I'll wait a little while."

"You are impossible Jeremy."

He just grinned and took care of Annie while I got breakfast started for the two of us. It was Friday morning, and it was our day off. We had a trip to the beach planned and it would be a lot of fun. Chris, and Scarlett were coming and bringing baby Rose, and it was going to be an all around wonderful day.

After breakfast, I got Annie dressed in a swimsuit and a cute little dress and hat. She was a happy baby and didn't mind it at all. I changed into my swimsuit and pulled on a pair of shorts, and a tank top and just got a bag packed with everything we would need. Before long, we were all loaded up in the jeep and headed to the beach.
We met up with Chris and Scarlett along the way and traveled together. We had the radio going and Annie was soon asleep in the back seat. I knew she would nap for a little while, which would be good, because she'd need all her energy for the beach. Jeremy was beyond excited to get to take his daughter to the beach for the first time.

"Rowan, thank you for agreeing to this."

"I'm just as excited as you are, sweetheart. I'm just better at concealing my excitement..."

"Oh whatever..."

"Like I said earlier, I married a big kid."

"You know you love me."

"Indeed I do, sweetheart. Indeed I do."

He laughed and laced his fingers with mine as we drove. He gentle rubbed my knuckles with his thumb. He was really sweet and good to me and sometimes I had a hard time believing that he was my husband.

"Rowan, you are so beautiful."

"Thank you, babe. I'm finally down to my fighting weight."

He grinned.

"You've always been perfect..."

"I know, but I have abs again. And they are kind of important if I'm going to play someone's stunt double."

"I don't think it really matters that much, baby. I'm just glad you are happy with yourself."

"I hated how I looked after I had the baby, and with all the stretch marks I felt horrible. But you helped me feel like a woman, and I owe you so much."

"I just want you to know how much I love you. Rowan, you are the love of my life, and I will love you no matter what."

"One of the many reasons I love you, Jeremy. You are amazing."

"Thank you, sweetheart."

We had a very enjoyable day at the beach, and Annie didn't quite know what to think about the sand, but she loved the water. Jeremy had her on his shoulders for a good bit of the day and it was really quite sweet to see the both of them together....

At the end of the day, everyone was completely worn out, and both Annie and Jeremy slept on the way home, leaving me to drive the jeep. I didn't mind, I enjoyed it actually...I guess it was because I was used to either being in a limo, or Jeremy was driving.

I let Jeremy sleep in the jeep while I took Annie inside and laid her down in her crib. Then I got to have a little fun, in waking up my husband. Nothing mean, it was just a very shocking and surprising kiss.

"Why don't you wake me up like that more often?"

"Oh I don't know... Maybe because it would make us late for things."

"But it's worth it, right?"

"Yes of course it is. Now how about you come join me inside."

"Coming, beautiful."

We had an enjoyable afternoon, and I was very thankful, that Annie slept for quite a while...

Jeremy's P.O.V

Rowan was fast asleep in my arms, with her head on my chest. We had a wonderful day out and Annie was fast asleep so we had the whole night.
I shifted a bit so Rowan would be more comfortable, and I settled into bed with my wife. Rowan had been working hard the past few weeks at her new job, and she seemed to love it. It was a tough job, but I felt that it was good for Rowan to have something she loved to do, so I couldn't complain. She was the woman of my dreams.

I knew that we were going to do alright, I had everything I wanted and so did Rowan.

Rowan's P.O.V

Life with Jeremy was amazing, and he was the man of my dreams. I had a wonderful life, a beautiful daughter, and the most amazing husband. Life was going to be okay for us, and I had a feeling that we would have many wonderful years ahead of us, and I was looking forward to what the future held for us.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now