Chapter Twelve

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Rowan's P.O.V

I woke up not realizing where I was, and then it hit me. Jeremy had come home and found me, and I remembered he wanted to bring me to the emergency room. I had messed up big time last night, and now I was in the hospital, and Jeremy was asleep next to me and he had his arms around me.

"Jeremy... wake up."

I moved so I could see his face, and smiled at how peaceful he looked. I placed a kiss to his lips and he stirred, opening his eyes, and smiling.

"Hey baby..."

I just smiled a little.

"Jeremy I'm sorry."

"Rowan it's alright. I'm the one who should be sorry."

"We both goofed up..."


"Jeremy, I want to go home."

"I'll see what I can do about getting you home."

I smiled as he got up and left the room.

We were able to leave the hospital about an hour after I woke up. Jeremy had arranged for a car to pick us up and return us to his house. He apologized multiple times but I told him not to worry. I was the one who shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and we didn't talk about it.
He refused to leave me alone for very long because he said he wanted to be with me, but I knew he was also going to be watching to make sure I didn't harm myself again.

He was being really sweet and I loved him, a lot, but sometimes I wondered why he had picked me. Joe was there last night, but I never remembered seeing him leave the hospital, so I had sent Jeremy out for some lunch and I decided to call Joe.

"Hey Joe what happened to you last night?"

"I just made sure you and Jeremy were okay, and then I had to get back to my place."

"Thank you for everything. I mean it."

"You're welcome. I hope you and Jeremy are doing well today."

"We are fine, Joe. I want you to come over sometime though so I can give you a hug."

"I'll come by sometime in the next week or so. I think I am going to go see Anne and see if I can talk her into coming down here before your wedding."

"That would be amazing. If you can't get her here willingly, just tell her who I am marrying."

I heard him laugh on the other end.

"What did you tell her in your letter?"

"That I was getting married to a man named Jeremy. And we would be getting married here in Hollywood, in December."

"You don't mean to say you just forgot to mention you were marrying Jeremy Renner?"

"No. No I did not."

"She is going to kill you when she finds out."

"Hey if it gets her down here sooner then I think I'll be able to handle her."

"Good. Well I have to go do something so I'll catch you later."

"Be careful. Bye Joe."

"Bye Rowan."

I hung up and settled down on the sofa with my dogs at my feet. Well Jay was lying at my feet waiting for Jeremy and Apollo was curled up on the sofa next to me. Jay had taken a liking to Jeremy and she followed him everywhere, like Apollo did with me.

"Rowan I'm back!"

I heard Jeremy yell as he came into the house, and of course he had to slam the door. Both dogs shot up and ran out of the living room and towards where he was. I was waiting for the sound of things crashing, but nothing happened as Jeremy came around the corner carrying a couple bags.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now