Chapter Seven

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I appologise for not updating sooner I have been writing more chapters.


Over the next week Jeremy and I both recovered from the crash. His memory was coming back in pieces, but it was reassuring to know he was starting to remember more about us. He put up quite a fuss about wearing the sling. I don’t blame him because it was a pain, but it for the best he just put up with wearing it. For the most part he was pretty good about taking his painkillers and just taking it easy. I would leave late at night after Jeremy had fallen asleep and go to the gym and train for several hours with Joseph. We would box, and just help each other get through sleepless nights. It was around midnight when I showed up at the gym and Joe was waiting for me.

“You too huh?”

He laughed.

“You could say that. How’s your boyfriend doing?”

“Better, but he’s getting restless I guess.”

We walked upstairs to the studio to get started.

“What do you want to do tonight?”

“We boxed last night. How about dancing?”

I smiled. Joe and I once upon a time had been competitive dance partners and we were pretty good at that.

“It’s been a while, but yeah let’s give it a try.”

I dropped my bag on the floor as he plugged in his iPhone to the speaker. The music started blaring and Joe and I took our positions. We danced for quite a while, and I had forgotten how much fun I had had when I was dancing. We danced for almost an hour, before we stopped and took a break.

“Rowan, I had forgotten how much fun this was.”

“Me too. It’s been ages since I danced.”

“Do you still have the studio in your home?”

“Yeah, it’s up on the third floor. Jeremy doesn’t know about all this yet.”

“You still sneaking out after he’s fallen asleep?”

“It’s not exactly sneaking out, but yeah basically.”

He laughed as we stood there cooling off.

“You are something else. I know what both Jesse and now Jeremy see in you.”

“And are you going to share that with me?”


“Go figure. Joe you are a pain.”

“You better believe it babe.”

I just cracked up laughing. It was an old joke between Joe and me, that he would call me babe when he was joking about something.

“I’m starving, Joe. How about we make a coffee run before I have to head back to Jeremy’s house.”

“It’s almost four in the morning. The only place that will be open is Starbucks.”

“And I know you don’t like paying for over priced coffee, so it’s on me tonight.”

“In that case I would love a cup of coffee.”

I laughed as I picked up my gym bag.

“But you’re buying next time.”

“Deal. Come on let’s go.”

We walked out of the gym studio, and headed out. I jumped into my jeep, and Joe climbed in next to me.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now