Chapter Twenty Six

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(I apologize for the delay in updating, life has been crazy as of late, so I promise this next week I'll be posting more.)

Seven months later: Rowan's P.O.V

I was eight and a half months pregnant with our daughter, and to say the least I was exhausted. Jeremy had been away shooting movies and because I didn't feel like I could travel, I stayed home, and finished the nursery.

I was so excited to be seeing our little girl before long. Our Christmas was pretty quiet, and we had actually just kept it small with friends, and we had gotten a lot of gifts for our new little girl. Scarlett and Chris, were the godparents and were both very excited. And at the moment, both Jeremy and I had decided that we wanted to have the baby at home. That way we wouldn't have to deal with so many cameras, or people knowing that our baby was here. It just made the most sense for some reason.

I was busy making sure I would have everything I needed when the baby arrived, when the phone rang and I saw that it was Jeremy.

"Jeremy! How are you?"

"Rowan, I miss you babe! I'm doing great. How about you and our little one?"

"We are both fine, although we can't wait until you get home."

"I should be home tomorrow. I really miss you."

"I miss you too, babe. I can't wait for you to get back. I think our daughter will be here really soon, so I am so glad you are coming home tomorrow."

"Me too, sweetheart. I have to go, they are ready for me on the set."

"Okay, I love you and I'll see you soon."

"I love you too. See you tomorrow."

I hung up, and began working again. I spent a good deal of the afternoon just working on last minute baby things. Around seven, I started feeling some pain, but I brushed it off. As the night went on the pain got worse, I realized I was going into labor. I grabbed my phone and called Scarlett.

"Hey, Rowan."

"Scarlett, can you get over here quickly?"
"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I'm in labor."

"Chris and I will be over in ten minutes honey. I'll call the midwife for you. Call Jeremy, and we will be there soon."


I started pacing the living room floor, as I called Jeremy. It took six tries before he finally answered.

"Sorry Rowan, I was getting out of costume."

"I'm in labor."


"I am in labor. You need to come home now."

"I'll be on the next flight home. I can be there in about four hours or so."

"Thank you Jeremy."

"I love you, and I promise I will get home as soon as I can."

"Thanks love."

"Sure. See you in a few hours."

We hung up and I continued pacing, waiting on Chris and Scarlett to arrive. The dogs could tell something was wrong, and stuck close to me. The midwife lived about thirty minutes from our home. Jeremy was probably already on a plane home, and I was getting more worried as the pain started to get more noticeable. Finally Scarlett and Chris arrived, and things started to seem a little easier for me.
"Hey, Chris said he would pick up Jeremy from the airport."

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