Chapter Thirty Five

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That evening we had a wonderful time with Chris, Scarlett and baby Rose. But by the time the evening was over I was exhausted. I had put Annie to bed, and then changed into sweat pants, and a tank top.

"Rowan, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine...."

Jeremy looked at me with a concerned look as he placed a hand on my forehead.

"Sweetheart, you are burning up with fever. I think we should get you to the hospital."

"I...okay... Call Joe and have him come over and watch Annie. I'll leave when he gets here."

Jeremy's P.O.V

As soon as I called Joe, I packed a bag for Rowan, and ten minutes later Joe arrived at the house. By then Rowan was in bad shape, and she could barely stay standing, so I just scooped her up in my arms and carried her out to the car. By the time we reached the hospital, Rowan had thrown up twice, and was screaming in pain. I couldn't figure out what was going on, and as I walked inside with her in my arms the nurses quickly came and put her in a room and began to see what they could do for her.
"What's wrong with my wife?"

"Sir, I don't know. Now please just wait outside."

"That I can't do. I refuse to leave her side."

"Then, please let us work. She's going to be okay."

I just nodded and did my best not to be in the way. It turned out that Rowan was having a severe panic attack. They gave her meds to calm her down and to help her sleep and all I could do was sit and wait. My friend Anna Daniels was Rowan's doctor and came to check on her after she heard what had happened.

"Hey, Jeremy. How are you doing?"

"I'm okay, Anna... I'm just pretty worried about Rowan. She hasn't had a panic attack since well... over a year ago. I don't know what brought it on."

"It's just something you two are going to have to live with, Jeremy. I'm afraid all I can do is prescribe pills for her."

"She has some she takes when she needs them, but she hasn't been able to take them because she was pregnant and is now nursing our baby girl."

"Well I think you two will need to consider moving your baby to formula, or just be prepared for panic attacks. I want to keep her here for a day or so just so she can be monitored as well be able to give her medication for the panic attacks. Plus I still want a few tests run to see if anything else could have caused this."

"Okay, thank you Anna."

"Of course. I'll be back in the morning to check on her."

"Thank you, see you in the morning."

I took the sofa in the room, and did my best to get some sleep while I waited for my sweet wife to wake up. I knew what I was getting into when I married Rowan, but still it broke my heart that she had to deal with things like this, and I didn't know what I could do to protect her from this nightmare.

Rowan woke up in the middle of the night screaming. I got up, and sat on the bed and pulled her into my arms, and let her rest her head on my chest as she cried.

"Rowan, everything is alright...I promise you're okay."

She was shaking hard, and I really didn't know what to do, so I began to rub her back gently and sang softly to her. It seemed to help her calm down and soon after, she stopped crying and relaxed against me.

"You're okay sweetheart, you're okay."

She pulled away and looked up at me and smiled a little.

"Thank you Jeremy."

"Sure, baby. Are you okay now? Or should I call a nurse?"

"I don't know...I want to go home."

"I know you do, and we will be going home in a day or so."

"Okay, I feel really out of it. I don't like all the medication..."

"I know and I'm sorry but you were out of it by the time we got here, and I was so scared."

"I'm sorry...I don't know what brought all of this on."

"It's okay, I'm just glad you're better. Whatever happens we will get through this I promise."

"I know, but you have the Avengers premiere tomorrow..."

"Hey, I'll just call and tell them I won't be able to make it."

She looked at me and frowned.

"No, I will not let you miss that. It's very important to me that you be there. I don't care if I'm stuck here in the hospital. I want you on that red carpet tomorrow."

"Then that's where I'll be."

She smiled as she laid back against the pillows, and pulled me down with her. She curled up against me, after we got everything situated, and before long we had fallen asleep together. 

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now