Chapter Twenty Nine

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When we arrived in New York we were taken straight to the hotel. We were hoping that no one would notice us, but of course someone recognized Jeremy, so our security team split us up, and took us to the hotel by different directions. It wasn't how I had planed the trip would start, but then again, being married to Jeremy anything is possible.

We were to arrive at the studio the next morning, and then get ready for the interview. As we began to unpack, I asked Jeremy how all of this was going to work.

"Jeremy, I have never done an interview before... Do you know how they want all of this done tomorrow?"

"Yeah, they want me to come out first, and they ask me about the latest movies and then about my personal life, and they bring you and Annie out and the interview carries on."

"I see... well this whole thing is going to be interesting."
"You will do fine, but if you feel too nervous, or just feel like you can't do it anymore you can leave. Just say you have to take care of Annie, and just come back a few minutes later when you feel like you can carry on."

I nodded as I set a sleeping Annie in her crib.

"I'll do my best Jeremy."

"I think you'll be just fine. You've done great will all of the publicity and talk surrounding the two of us."

"Thanks, babe. I promise I will do the best tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too, Rowan."

We just spend the day getting settled, before going out to do some sight seeing. We did our best to just look like people who belonged there, and we even had our bodyguards in plain clothes. So far so good, because we left out the back way of the hotel and we managed to blend in pretty well. We had a quiet evening just the three of us before getting a good nights sleep before the big interview in the morning.

Jeremy's P.O.V

I got up early the next morning with Rowan and helped her get ready for the interview.

"Jeremy, could you give me a hand in here?"

"Coming babe."

I walked into the bathroom to see Rowan trying to put her makeup on with one hand while she nursed Annie and held her with the other arm.

"Would you like me to do your makeup for you, Rowan?"

She looked up at me and smiled.

"That would be great. I am still half asleep."

"Alright, then hand over the makeup brushes."
She laughed as I pulled a stool in front of her, and sat down. I had been a makeup artist before I had become an actor, so I still knew how to do all of this. I did her makeup as she had asked me to, before finishing getting myself ready. I put on my tie as Rowan slipped on her flats, and put Annie in her carrier.

"Ready to go sweetheart?"


She took my hand, as I picked up Annie's carrier, and we headed out to the car. We arrived at the studio, and we got ready to go on the air. Rowan and Annie would join me shortly after the interview began, and to say the least it was going to be interesting. Matt Lauer was the interviewer for our part of the show, and he called me out on stage shortly after we arrived.

"Please welcome to the show, Jeremy Renner."

I walked out and smiled as I sat down across from Matt Lauer.

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