Chapter Thirty Seven

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Jeremy's P.O.V

"Babe, where are my dress shoes?"

"Bottom of your suitcase!"

I dug through my suitcase and finally found them with a sigh.

"I'm just about ready, if you are."

Rowan walked out of the bathroom all dolled up in a strapless black lace dress, and her hair was all pinned up and she looked stunning.

"Rowan, you are so beautiful."

She grinned as she slipped on her red heels on.

"Why thank you Mr. Renner. You look rather handsome yourself."

"Thank you, Mrs. Renner."

We were in New York for the premiere of the new Mission Impossible movie. Rowan was back to her normal self and our daughter Annie was six months old now. We were doing well together and Rowan and I hadn't been happier. Annie was such a joy and I had one of the most beautiful wives in Hollywood.

"Ready to go, sweetheart?"

Rowan nodded as she took my outstretched hand, and we walked out of the hotel room. Security was ready to take us out of the hotel to the limo and before long we were off to the red carpet.

"Jeremy, I'm a bit nervous."

"It's going to be okay. You'll do fine, sweetheart."

"I know... Just it's been a while since I was out in public like this."

"You look stunning, Rowan and everyone is going to love you."

The last time I had been filming the movie Rowan had gone into labor and I had to fly straight home.

"I know.... I just pulled you away from the movie shoot last time."

"Rowan, you were having our daughter. It was a good reason to leave."

She just smiled and laid her head on my shoulder.

"You always do know how to reassure me, that things are going to be okay."

I just placed a kiss on her forehead, and before we knew it, we had arrived at the red carpet.


"I'm ready, Jeremy."

We got out of the limo and the crowd went wild. Rowan and I took several photos together before spreading out along the red carpet to talk to different reporters, and to sign things for fans. I just smiled as I watched Rowan interact with people.

Rowan's P.O.V

I was enjoying getting to interact with the fans, because they were the people who helped make Jeremy famous. Many asked about us, and our baby as well as if I would ever appear in the movies, and I just smiled not saying anything. Jeremy and I had talked it over about me returning to doing stunt work and we had arranged for me to start doing stunts on Agents of Shield. I would be Chloe Bennett's stunt double for a while and they were beyond thrilled that I was working with them. Jeremy was just happy that I wanted to work again. I wanted to have several kids, but I wanted to work a while and let Annie grow up a bit before we tried for another baby. Annie sort of just happened, but she was such a joy. I loved having a daughter. When Jeremy was asked what his greatest achievement was, he'd say that it was Annie. It was always so sweet and he really was an amazing father to Annie and I was blessed to have an amazing husband. Despite my father not liking him, Jeremy was everything I had ever dreamed of.

When Jeremy went into the theater, I headed to the sitting area in the theater and just waited for the movie to finish. There was a cast party afterwards, and Jeremy wanted to stay for a little while, so I agreed and we went to the party.

"So, you're the woman that stole Jeremy's heart."

I nodded with a smile.

"Yes I did, and I'd do it all over again."

"Glad to hear it. You have quite a husband."

"Thank you, Simon. I enjoy getting to be his wife. There is never a dull moment."

"Oh, I believe that. So Rowan, when are you going to start working on the Marvel show?"
"I start shooting as soon as we get back to California. I'm just a stunt double but it's a pretty big part. I also have to cut my hair..."

"Does Jeremy know?"

"Yes he does, but he's not a fan of it, but at least I don't have to dye it. And it will grow out eventually."

"True, I wish you the best of luck on the show, Rowan."

"Thank you, Simon. Who knows, maybe one day I'll actually have my own character and not just be a stunt double."

"It's entirely possible."

We chatted for a while, before Jeremy came and got me. We soon left the party and headed back to our hotel room.

"Jeremy, I go in the morning to the salon to have my hair cut..."

"Yes I know, and I wish you didn't have to do so."

"Me too... But at least it's a modified version of what it is in the comic books."

"True. But still.... I love your hair."

"Me too, babe. But maybe it is time for a little change. I can always grow it out again."

"Yeah... now how about we get out of these fancy clothes and go to bed?"

"I like that idea, babe."

He grinned, and took off his jacket and tie, before coming and helping me get out of my dress. It didn't take long for both of us to make our way to the bed, and the rest is up to the imagination. 

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now