Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Rowan, two more pushes. I want you to push on three. One... two... three."

I pushed as hard as I could as I gripped Jeremy's arms knowing I would be leaving bruises. I couldn't help but scream as I did so, because it hurt so bad.

"You are doing so good, babe." Jeremy whispered in my ear. We had moved from the bathtub to the bedroom, and then back to the tub because it was the only place I was comfortable.

"Okay Rowan, when you feel the next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can. One more, and the baby will be here."


It wasn't long before the next one hit, and I pushed again, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. It hurt so much, but then I heard the sound of our baby crying, and I broke down crying, as Sarah set her on my chest. I let go of Jeremy, to gently cradle the baby in my arms. She was small, but beautiful.

"Rowan, you did so good. She's beautiful."

"She is... Welcome to the world sweet girl."

"Welcome to the world, Annie." Jeremy whispered and he was smiling from ear to ear. I was too, but I was so tired. Sarah took Annie to clean her up, and get everything sorted on the birth certificate, while Jeremy helped me get cleaned up and changed into some comfortable pajamas.

"Jeremy, I am so tired."
"I know sweetheart. Let's get you to bed."

I just nodded as he picked me up gently and carried me to bed. He gently set me down, and tucked me into the blankets.

"I'm going to go let Chris and Scarlett know and show them Annie. You get some rest, and I'll come check on you soon."

"Okay, baby. I love you."

"Love you too sweetheart."

Before I knew it, I was fast asleep, and glad for the peace sleep brought me.

Jeremy's P.O.V

Sarah dressed Annie for me, and carefully placed her in my arms.

"I'm just going to finish cleaning up, and take care of Rowan, before heading home."

"Sarah you are a life saver. Thank you."

"You're very welcome Jeremy. I'm just glad I was able to help bring your baby into the world."

"We couldn't have done it with out you helping me keep Rowan calm."

She just smiled, as she went back to check on Rowan, and I walked into the living room. Chris and Scarlett stood up as soon as they saw me walk in.

"Okay you two, I think your new goddaughter wants to meet you."

Scarlet was thrilled to see her, as was Chris. I carefully handed Annie to Scarlett and let her and Chris fuss over her a little bit. Annie was so tiny, but she was gorgeous. I couldn't wait to find out who she would take after.

"Jeremy, she's precious. How is Rowan?"

"She's exhausted, but she did so good. I am so proud of her."

Scarlett smiled, as she handed Annie to Chris.
"Is it okay if I go and see her?"

"Yes, go ahead. Sarah is just finishing up with her."

"Okay, I'll be back shortly."

Chris and I just talked a little while, as he held Annie, while Scarlett went to look in on Rowan. Everyone was exhausted, and after a little while Scarlett came back out, with Sarah.

"Rowan's resting, but she wants to see Annie."

I nodded, as Chris gently handed me, the sleeping baby.

"We will come back tomorrow to see you guys. Get some rest."

I said goodbye, and thank you to everyone, before going back to Rowan. She was half asleep propped up with pillows.

"Hey, babe..."

"Hey... Can I see Annie?"

"Of course, she's your daughter."

Rowan just smiled, as I gently placed Annie in her arms.

"She's so beautiful. She looks like you Jeremy."

"Rowan, she looks more like you, but she is beautiful. You did so good, sweetheart."

She smiled, as I sat down next to her on the bed.

"I probably should feed her... Jeremy, could you grab the nursing pillow and cover?"

"Of course I can."

I got up, and got what she had asked for and helped her get settled so she could nurse Annie. Rowan was a little uncomfortable with the whole thing, but she adjusted quickly. When she was through, she let me rock Annie to sleep, and I gently placed her in the crib in our bedroom. Rowan fell asleep shortly after we went to bed, and I wrapped my arms around her as we fell asleep. We were both so tired, but I was so proud of my sweet wife. She had done so well, and I was glad I was able to make it home to be there for our daughter's birth.

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