Chapter Seventeen

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"Dove should I wear the red or black skinny jeans?"
"The black ones definitively. They will look the best with your shirt."
"Sounds good. I'll go get dressed."
I put on the jeans and the one direction shirt, and pulled my hair into a ponytail, and braided it. I fixed my makeup and grabbed the back stage pass lanyard and put it on around my neck. I walked down the hall, and checked on Dove, who was just about ready to go, and then went to grab Jeremy.
"Babe, are you ready to go?"
"Yes. There will be a limo waiting outside for us any minute now so let's get going."
"Dove get a move on! Do you want to be late?"
I laughed as Dove came running out with her backstage pass around her neck. We were all finally ready and all had our passes on and we headed out to the limo.
"Well ladies, let's go meet some musicians."
Dove could not stop smiling. I could tell she was so excited, and I was glad she was going to get a chance to meet two of her favorite bands. We had ate a quick something before we got ready, and that was probably a really good thing because Dove could not sit still. I mean yes we were about to meet One Direction, but I had never seen her this excited.
"Dove, you okay?"
"Yes, fine actually. I'm just really excited."
"I can tell. Who are you most excited to be meeting?"
"All of them..."
"Okay then who's your favorite?"
"Really? I knew would have guessed."
Dove just smiled, as we all chatted on the way to the stadium. There seemed to be something she wasn't telling me, but I didn't say anything. I was just looking forward to spending the evening with two of my favorite people. And yes I had to admit I was a bit excited to be meeting One Direction. Not that I would really admit it to anyone, but I really do love the music. It makes for a good workout playlist, and yeah, they can sing. Not that I was really going to fully admit that in front of Jeremy, but it was true.
Anyway we arrived at the stadium, and got out, and because of my dad, and also who Jeremy was we were taking inside the venue by our security.
"I think I am going to die when I see him again."
"Dove what do you mean again?"
She had realized what she had let slip and sighed.
"I met Harry when he was on vacation in France.... And I told him I would see him again at one of his shows, but not which one."
"Dad approves of this?"
"Yes. But please don't be mad at me."
Jeremy and I just smiled.
"How could we be upset, besides I think it's kind of sweet."
"I agree with Rowan, Dove. It's fine."
We walked down the hall and were brought into a spare dressing room, and were told the boys were going to meet us shortly.
"Okay, can you two like act like I'm not here?"
"I guess."
"Good, because I'm going to stand behind you until the boys come in."
"Better hurry up, because I think they are about to show up."
She ducked behind me and Jeremy, as the boys walked in.
Jeremy and I smiled, as we met all of the boys.
"Wow, I can't believe I'm meeting Jeremy Renner and his lovely girlfriend Rowan."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Louis, but we have a surprise for Harry."
I saw Harry light up a little, and looked at us.
"Really? What?"
"I think you know my sister, and well..."
Jeremy and I stepped aside so Harry could see Dove, and he could hardly believe it. Dove ran to him, and they were quite cute. We all talked for a while before they were set to meet the next set of VIP's. Harry made plans to meet Dove after the show to go out, and that meant that after the show Jeremy and I would have the evening to ourselves.
"It was wonderful to meet all of you boys, and look forward to the show. And I hope we meet again."
"Same to you Rowan, and I'm sure we will meet again."
"I'm sure we will Niall."
We were taken to our seats and we had an amazing view of the stage. The concert was amazing and the boys put on an amazing show. Dove was taken backstage as the last song finished, and she said she would be back at the house later in the evening. Jeremy and I were escorted back to the limo by bodyguards, but fans still recognized Jeremy and we had to run the rest of the way back, and scramble to get into the back seat.
"Well that was an interesting evening."
"That's for sure. Thank you for being such a good sport tonight Jeremy."
"Anything for you Rowan. I love you."
"I love you too."
He leaned over and pulled me into a kiss, and my hands found their way into his hair and the ride was spent by making out, and I felt like a teenager again. Jeremy, despite our age difference, he was my knight in shining armor. There was just something really special about him, and well I couldn't wait to become his wife.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now