Chapter Twenty Two

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The next morning was pretty rushed as we headed to the airport and got through security with Jay and Apollo. Jeremy took the carry-on's while I walked with Jay and Apollo since they were my service dogs. We took our seats in first class on board and got settled for our flight, with the dogs at our feet. We had a long day of flying ahead of us.

Twelve hours later, we were leaving the Paris airport and heading to my parents home. We had a limo waiting for us, and as soon as we had our bags we quickly got in.

"That flight was long... I thought I was going to get sick several times."

"I'm sorry Rowan. Wish I could do something about it."

"It takes two to have a baby..."

He chuckled, as he kissed me.

"I know, but just think it's going to be worth it."


A short time later, we arrived at my parent's home, and unloaded all of our things. My mom and dad met us at the door.

"Rowan, Jeremy welcome."


"So nice to meet you both, Mr. And Mrs. Cullen."

"Pleasure to meet you too Jeremy."

My parent's had a few staff in the house, and they took our bags upstairs and the dogs outside to the back yard so they could run.

"Please come inside, and sit for a while. Dinner should be ready shortly."

"Sounds good mom."

We all talked for a little while, and it gave my parents a chance to get to know Jeremy. He seemed to get along well with my parents, and my parents seemed to like him. The cook let us know dinner was ready, and we all headed to sit down at the table. Dove was still traveling with Harry, so it was just us.

"Rowan you are looking good. Almost glowing."

"Thank you mom. It must just be because I am in love."

"Must be."

Dinner was brought out, and it looked amazing, but after eating a bit it did not settle well.


I whispered to him, and reached under the table and took his free hand in mine.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I don't feel so well."

He nodded, and was about to say something to my parents, when the nausea hit me, and I got up, and ran from the table to the bathroom down the hall. I got pretty sick, and it took a lot of energy out of me, and I just collapsed on the floor. I could hear Jeremy calling my name, but I couldn't really respond.

Jeremy's P.O.V

As soon as Rowan had bolted from the table I quickly followed. I knew what had happened, and her parents weren't too far behind me. The bathroom door was unlocked, thank goodness, and when I entered she was on the floor.

"Rowan, are you alright?"


I picked her up in my arms and walked out with her. Her parents were waiting in the hallway.

"What happened to her?"

"She's just overly tired. I want to take her up to her room."

Her mother nodded, and walked with me upstairs, and showed me Rowan's room. I set Rowan down on the bed, and her mother lingered at the door.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now