Chapter Thirty

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Jeremy's P.O.V

I woke up with a groan. My phone was going off and I rolled over and picked it up.


"Jeremy, hope I didn't wake you. This is Joss."

"Oh, hi Joss. What's up?"

"I need you this weekend for a reshoot."

"Okay, I'll be there. Where is the reshoot?"

"We are doing it in New York."

"I'm still here, so I'll just meet you."


I hung up, just as Rowan came back to bed from feeding Annie.

"Jeremy, is everything alright?"

"I have to stay here in New York. Joss wants to do reshoots this weekend."

"Okay, well I have to go back to California. I'm supposed to start my next job, tomorrow..."

She didn't seem too happy, with me having to stay.

"I wish I could change things Rowan, but I can't..."

"I know, and it's okay. I'll fly out in a few hours with Annie, and I'll see you when you get done."

"Thank you Rowan."

She nodded and headed to pack her things. I hated doing this to her, and I felt horrible, but I had to do it. I got up and got ready to drop Rowan and Annie off at the airport, before returning to the hotel to wait for news. Rowan gave me a kiss at the airport, but I knew she was upset, and I hated to see her upset.

Rowan's P.O.V

For the time being, I was staying at my old home, so I could have access to the training grounds. I waited on the front porch in my military boots, pants and a black tank top. I had Annie on my back, in a long strip of cloth. I had learned to carry a baby that way when I was in the Middle East and it made the best sense now. I put on my aviators as a car pulled up, and Channing Tatum stepped out.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Rowan Cullen?"

I smiled as I walked over to greet him.

"That's me, although I must say my last name isn't Cullen anymore, but Renner."

He seemed a little surprised then grinned.

"You're Jeremy's wife! I had no idea, please forgive me."

"Don't worry. It's all cool, please come inside and get your things put away. We will begin your training shortly."

"Thank you."
He followed me inside and I showed him where to put his things, and I went to find my housekeeper Maria.

"Maria, could you watch Annie for a few hours?"

"Of course, mam."

"Thank you Maria. I'll come get her in an hour or two."

She took Annie and I put the wrap away before heading back to the entry and met Channing.

"So, are you ready to go for a run?"

"Yeah, I guess so. How far are we going?"

"Two miles. It won't be too bad this time."

"I'll do my best."

Jeremy's P.O.V

As I did the reshoots, I couldn't help but think about Rowan, back home working. I wanted so much to be there with her, and I knew she was upset when she left. I finished the scene and headed to take a break.

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