Chapter Two

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Jeremy's P.O.V

Over the next six weeks I had tried my best to get to know Rowan. She was always so distant but she seemed to like having me around. It was my last night at the house, and it had to be around midnight. I had my bedroom door open as I stood on the balcony. All of a sudden I heard someone scream and it sounded an awful lot like Rowan. I quickly rushed out of my room, not bothering to grab a shirt and walked down the hall to her room.

"Rowan, it's me Jeremy. Are you okay?"

I called through the shut door, hoping she was okay. A few moments later, the door opened and a very tired looking Rowan stepped out.

"Sorry, did I wake you Jeremy?"

"No, I was still awake. Are you alright?"

"Yeah... bad dream that's all."

I noticed that it looked like she had been crying, and she was still shaking.

"Rowan, what happened?"

"Nothing... I'm going to get changed and go to the gym. Sorry for waking you."

She turned to shut the door, but I reached out and grasp her arm.

"Rowan, are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Go back to sleep Jeremy. I'll see in the morning."

She shut the door in my face and I stood there stunned. She said she was going to the gym so I decided I would follow her and make sure she was okay. I went back to my room changed into my gym clothes, and followed her down the stairs. She must have heard me because she knew I was behind her.

"Jeremy, I told you to go back to bed."

"Rowan, I was worried about you. Let me go to the gym with you tonight."
I heard her sigh, and she turned around to face me.

"Alright, I guess you can come along."

I could tell she had been crying, so I took a leap of faith, closed the distance between us, and kissed her. At first she seemed shocked but soon she kissed back. After a little while I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers.

"Jeremy... I don't know what to say."

"I'm sorry Rowan... I don't know what came..."

I got cut off when she pressed her lips against mine, and it startled me.

"Don't be sorry Jeremy. I liked it."

I smiled.

"So did I. Now do you want to tell me what happened?"

"No, not yet. Let's just go to the gym, and maybe I'll be able to tell you afterwards."

I nodded and slipped my hand into hers as we walked outside.

"Rowan, I'll drive tonight. You just tell me where to go."

"Okay, thank you Jeremy."

She handed me her keys, and let go of my hand. She walked to the passenger side of her jeep and got in. I climbed in the driver's side, and started the jeep.

As we drove, Rowan stayed pretty quiet. She only ever said anything when she was giving me directions. I chalked it up to her being tired and what happened when I heard her screaming. I started to wonder what she had seen with her unit during the time she spent overseas. From what she said she had spent a while over there with her unit, and sometimes I wondered why she was sent back home. She never did tell me, and I never asked, because I figured it was a pretty touchy subject.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now