Chapter Twenty Eight

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Rowan's P.O.V

Thankfully Annie only woke up once that evening, and Jeremy had gotten up and made her a bottle, so I didn't have to wake up. He was such a good husband, and I knew he was going to be a great dad to Annie. I mean she wasn't even a day old yet, and she already had him wrapped around her finger.

"Jeremy, you are so good with her."

"She is beautiful, Rowan. I am so happy we have a daughter."

"Me too sweetheart."

We were sitting on the bed, and he was holding her gently as I got ready to feed her again. I was still extremely sore and it was a bit uncomfortable to just sit in the bed all day, but Jeremy insisted on me taking it easy. He gently handed me Annie, so I could nurse her again.

"Rowan, I got a call this morning from the Today show in New York... They have asked us to come to New York City and be guests on the show."

I nodded, just thinking about it.

"Okay, when?"


Annie had been born early on Monday morning, and I knew that we could travel with her as soon as she was two days old.

"If we leave sometime Thursday morning, I don't see why not..."

"We have been keeping our marriage secret, so I guess we could announce it Friday, as well as the birth of our little girl."

I smiled as he leaned over and kissed me.

"I think that will be okay, but how do we get through the airport without people knowing it's us?"

"We will be taking a private plane, and also we will have a security team with us, so people won't be able to get a good look at us, until after we are on the show Friday morning."

"Okay, sounds like an interesting way to travel... But okay. If you can pack for us, I'll pack for Annie. Also, I want Apollo and Jay with us..."

"Babe you can only bring Apollo, because he is a service dog, and Jay isn't. I'm sure Scarlett would love to watch her. She loves Jay a lot."

"Yeah, that is true... Okay, I'll text her in a little while and see if she can watch Jay for me."

"Good. I'll call the Today show back, and tell them that we will be coming. I'm sure they will be excited. We haven't been out in public together in several months... It will be nice to be seen with my beautiful wife and daughter."

"Thank you, babe. I am looking forward to this. Can we spend a few days in New York City? I'd like to do some shopping while we are there, as well as sight seeing."

"I don't see why not. I think it would be nice to have a vacation with you and Annie. It will be some good memories."

I just smiled as I finished with Annie, and gently cradled her in my arms. It was exciting being a mom, but it was also terrifying.
"Babe, I haven't even called my mom to tell her..."

"Well, maybe you should now."


He handed me my cell phone as he left the room to go call the Today show back.


"Hi Mom..."

"Rowan! It's so good of you to call. How are you, honey?"

"I'm great, actually. I was calling to tell you that I had the baby last night."

"You did? That's great Rowan! How are you feeling? How's the baby?"

"Yes I did. I'm alright, pretty sore though... And the baby is fine. You have a very healthy granddaughter."

"Rowan, that is wonderful. I am so happy for you and Jeremy. What's the baby's name?"

"Annie Renner."

"That sounds beautiful. What about her middle name?"

"We named her after you. Her middle name is Elizabeth."

"Annie Elizabeth Renner. Such a beautiful name..."

"Yes it is. I just wanted to tell you before you found out on the news. Jeremy and I were asked to be on the Today Show on Friday morning. We are going to announce our wedding, and also Annie's birth."
"Well, I think that is a good way to announce everything. I know you and Jeremy have been keeping things pretty quiet. I am proud of you Rowan, I know you and your dad have had a rough time with all of this... but I do want you and Jeremy to come to France soon. I want to meet my new granddaughter."

"Okay Mom... maybe we can come at the end of the month or something like that..."
"That would be great. Dove and Harry will be coming then, so I think that's a pretty good idea."

"Sounds great. Hey mom, I got to go... I am exhausted."

"Okay dear. I am so proud of... And I'll see you soon. Good luck on Friday and give Jeremy and Annie my love."

"Will do mom."

I hung up with my mom, and managed to get up and check on Annie, who was fast asleep in her crib and I was glad because I was so tired... I walked into the kitchen to get some coffee and I thought Jeremy was going to freak out when he saw me come around the corner.

"Rowan Amanda Renner, what in the world are you doing out of bed? You just had a baby!"

"You sound like my mother... I just want a cup of coffee. Please Jeremy, I just want one cup and then I'll go back to bed."



Jeremy just laughed as he nodded.

"Good, you can have your one cup of coffee. Then you are going right back to bed."

"Yes, dear."

Jeremy just rolled his eyes as I went to get the cup of coffee I so desperately needed. He helped me get what I needed down from the shelves, and then made sure after I finished the coffee before making sure I went right back to bed. It was not what I wanted to do, but Jeremy wouldn't let me do as I wanted... So it was back to bed it was. Annie was awake a short time later, so I did what I needed to... It was really difficult for me to figure out what I was supposed to do. I mean I had helped out with Dove some when I was younger, but I still was pretty clueless when it came to being a mom and taking care of a newborn. One could say that me being a mom, was well... Crazy. At least I had Jeremy to help, and he was already really good with Annie.

We were an interesting pair already, and I knew we were going to make good parents but it was going to be different raising a baby when we were constantly in the limelight, and I was going to have a figure out how to keep our private life a little more private. I mean there were rumors about the fact that Jeremy and I were married, but we never said anything, so Friday meant a new problem as such... Not only were we introducing our newborn daughter to the world, but also announcing our marriage... I wasn't sure if I was completely ready for all of this to become public to everyone. I guess, it was time to tell everyone, but still I just hoped that we were doing the right thing, by doing what we were doing. 

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