Chapter Twenty

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Jeremy and I had settled into life as newly weds rather well and it was amazing to wake up next to Jeremy every morning.

We were finishing packing the last few things we would need so we would be ready to fly out and go see my parents. It had been about a month and a half since we got married, and it had been the best month and a half ever.

"Babe, where is my shave kit?"

"I already packed it."

"What would I do without you?"

"Loose things."

I heard him laugh as he walked out of the bathroom. I had finished up my packing when Jeremy came up behind me, and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You are beautiful Rowan."

"Thank you Jeremy."

Life with Jeremy was amazing, and I was so glad I married him. Most people would think we had just fallen in love by the way we were acting. We were head over heels in love with each other, and I think it was going to be that way for a long time.

"Jeremy, I was thinking about the wedding in December. What if we waited to have the big wedding after we have been married a year? I think it would be for the best."

"I guess we could do that. But why wait till next August?"

"Well it would just save us the trouble, and it will be a bit more special."

"Rowan what are you hinting at?"

He turned me around so I was facing him.

"What would you think about being a dad?"

"I'd love to be a dad, but.... Wait, are you saying what I think you are saying?"

"Yes. Jeremy, I'm pregnant."

He was stunned to say the least. He seemed really excited, but shocked as well.

"W-when did you find out?"

"This morning. I went to the doctor's office this morning."

He pulled me into a kiss, and it shocked me for a moment before I kissed back.

"How far along are you?"

"About four weeks."

"Wow.... I can't believe I'm going to be a father."

"I was going to wait and tell you once we were in France, but I knew you were going to find out sooner or later. The morning sickness has already started..."

"You got sick this morning, didn't you?"


"Baby why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want to worry you, and I also wanted to make sure I was pregnant."

He nodded before smiling again.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I wasn't sure I was pregnant that morning, but know I knew for sure. I was pregnant and Jeremy and I were going to be parents.

"What are we going to do about your parents?"

"I don't really know.... After they meet you and my dad does his 'you better take care of my daughter or else speech' I was going to tell them we were already married."

"Well that sounds okay. When do you think he will try and give that speech?"

"Probably the day after we arrive."

"So what exactly does that mean?"

"Well we will arrive, and have an evening meal with my parents, and then we will each get our own room for the evening."

"I see... Well that is going to be interesting."

"I know, but rules are rules."

"Well I want to follow the rules. I wonder how they are going to take it when we tell them we are married, and that you are pregnant."

"We will cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now I want a bowl of ice cream before we head to bed."

"Ice cream at midnight?"

"Honey, I'm pregnant remember?"

"Right, well come on. We have to leave in four hours."

We went into the kitchen, and had our ice cream, before heading to bed. We were planning on taking the dogs along, so we had to go a little earlier to go through security and get through before anyone recognized us. We headed to bed, and got what sleep we could before the alarm went off. Jeremy held me close all night, with his arms around me, and one hand over my stomach. I knew he couldn't wait till I had a baby bump, but I found the move sweet. I couldn't wait to see how he was when our baby would be born.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now