Chapter Thirty Four

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I woke up on Monday morning, tangled in the sheets, and Jeremy's arms. I smiled as I untangled myself from him. He would check out of the hotel and pick up Annie while I went and met Ming-na for training. I changed into my workout gear, and headed out. I took a taxi to the studios and the instant I walked onto the set where I was greeted by my new friend.

"Rowan, I'm glad you made it! Come on in and meet the rest of the crew."

"Hi Ming-na. I so wanted to sleep in this morning, but couldn't miss this."

She smiled as we walked in and greeted by several of the actors and crew before we went and worked out. We sparred for a while and she won two rounds and so did I. It was over all just a really good workout. We decided to grab coffee after our workout.

"So, you have to tell me what it's like being married to Jeremy Renner."

I just grinned as I took a sip of my coffee.

"It is very different. It definitively has its perks."

"Of that I am sure. Your husband is one of the hottest guys in Hollywood."

I couldn't help but laugh and Ming-na just smiled.

"I know, but Jeremy is so much more than that. He's such a sweetheart, and he is such a good father."

"I bet he is. He is quite talented, but how do you handle all of this?"

I just shrugged as I sipped my coffee.

"I don't really know, I just try to handle everything one day at a time."

"It must be tough having Jeremy gone so much while he is doing press tours or shooting movies."

"It is, but on occasion I go with him. I mean, when I went into labor with our daughter he was away filming a few scenes for Age of Ultron. I don't remember exactly where he was but I know that was the longest five hours of my life."

"Oh I'm sure. Going into labor is scary enough when you have your husband by your side. I can't imagine being on your own."

"It was scary, plus we had her at home so there was nothing I could take to calm my nerves."

Ming-na looked at me stunned.

"You are one strong woman. I never had the guts to have my kids at home. It was just not in my nature. Props to you."

"Thanks, but I think next time I will just go to the hospital. It was extremely painful, and I'm not quite sure I want to do it again."

"So, you are planning on having more kids?"

"Hope so."

"Kids are a joy for sure."

"Indeed they are."

I stuck around to watch the filming and was just enjoying spending time with my new friends. It was very fun morning.

Jeremy's P.O.V

I picked up Annie from Scarlett's place and headed out for the day. I had to run some errands and pick up a few things before I left for the press tour. Rowan had said she wished to stay at home, not wanting to take a chance with Annie, while she was still so young.

I went and picked up my new suit, and a few other things we needed for the house. Annie was such a good baby and I was happy to get to take my little girl out with me. When I arrived at the house, I gave Annie a bottle, before putting her in her crib for her nap. I put away everything I had bought while I was out, and put a pot of coffee on knowing Rowan would want a cup as soon as she walked in.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now