Chapter Ten

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Jeremy's P.O.V
I can home a lot later than I had expected and had hoped Rowan was okay. I looked around and didn't see her so I guessed she had to be in her room, and I was right. She was fast asleep with Jay and Apollo next to her, guarding her.
I just stood in the doorway looking at her and I realized how lucky I was. She was beautiful, but she never really accepted that she was. She just thought she was another soldier with scars from what she had seen and been through, but she was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Rowan, once a person got to know her, knew she could light up a room by a smile.
I quietly walked over to the bed and sat down next to her, kissing her forehead.
Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled when she saw me.
"I'm sorry I took so long getting back home... things got rather interesting with the costume fittings."
"It's okay, do you still want to go back to my place tonight?"
"If you still feel up to going out. It's about seven."
"Yeah, I still want to go out. Let me go get changed."
I nodded and stood up.
"I'll go change as well. See you soon beautiful."
Rowan just smiled as she got up and walked into her bathroom. I quickly went and changed into a jeans and a dress shirt, with my boots I had worn earlier. About ten minutes later Rowan came into the living room wearing her jeans, black knee high boots and a red button down top. Her had her hair in a braid draped over her shoulder and she looked stunning. Her makeup made her eyes pop even more and she was so beautiful.
"Rowan, you look amazing."
She blushed as she took my hand.
"Thank you, handsome. So where are we going tonight?"
"I was thinking we would take my motorcycle out, and go to a local barbeque joint."
"Barbeque in LA? This is something I have to try."
I laughed as we walked out to the garage. I grabbed my helmet and then handed her the extra racing helmet.
"Man I haven't been on a bike in years, Jeremy."
"You know how to ride well?"
"Yeah I do, been a long time though."
"Well it looks like you get to do it again tonight."
Rowan's P.O.V
I smiled as I put the helmet on as Jeremy opened the garage and put on his own helmet. He got on the bike, and I got on right behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Ready to go Rowan?"
"Ready babe."
The engine roared to life as we pulled out of his driveway and I had a smile on my face the whole way to the restaurant. It felt really nice to just be able to get out with Jeremy and just get to do something fun with him. It took us about half an hour to get to the restaurant and I have to say I fared pretty well for that ride. We got off leaving our helmets on the bike and were able to get a quiet table in the back.
"Okay so what's the deal with the restaurant? Why do you like it so much?"
"Don't really know Rowan. I used to eat here a lot before I got huge movie roles so it's always been a favorite of mine."
"Well then it must be a really good place to eat. I'll let you order for me tonight and we will see just how great the food is here."
He just laughed as we placed our drink orders. I actually let him choose what I would have for dinner, because after eating the ready packs of rations in the army nothing fazed me anymore. Those were the worst things I have ever eaten but when you didn't have anything else, or hadn't had any real food in two days they were pretty good.
"So what did you order for me?"
I smiled.
"One of my favorite foods."
"Really? Well then you will be in for a treat. These are some of the best I have ever eaten."
"Looking forward to getting a chance to try them then. If they are as good as you say then I may want to come back here."
He smiled and we just talked until they brought us our drinks and then our meal. Apparently he had ordered the exact same thing. Ribs, potato salad and beans were on the plate set down in front of me.
"Looks good."
"It tastes even better."
I chuckled as I started eating and he did have a point. The food was really amazing, and for barbeque anywhere other than the south, it was pretty great.
"So what do you think?"
"Its amazing to say the least."
"So is it as good as what you have eaten before?"
"So far so good."
The rest of the evening was pretty quiet. We finished dinner and as we were leaving a few fans of Jeremy's saw him and asked to take a picture with him. I just smiled and nodded as they did, but what was really neat was the last girl who wanted a picture.
They were about to take it, but they stopped.
"You're Rowan his girlfriend right?"
"Yes I am."
"Come on and get in the picture. My brother was in the army, and wouldn't forgive me if I didn't take a picture with the both of you."
I smiled and stepped into the picture, having the girl in between Jeremy and myself. It was a neat experience and she asked for both of us to sign a book for her that she was keeping of famous people she had met. After she left Jeremy and I walked to the bike with smiles on our faces.
"Babe, why are you smiling so much?"
He asked handing me my helmet.
"Just the fact that she wanted pictures with the both of us was just neat."
"You're famous now. Whether you want to be or not, you are."
I laughed as I got on the bike behind him.
"Yeah well call it another perk of being engaged to Jeremy Renner."
He laughed as he started the bike and we headed back out onto the open road. It was just a nice escape from everything and I know some people were taking pictures of us at stops but I really didn't care. I was with Jeremy and that was all that really mattered.
We rode around LA for a little while and we went and got ice cream at a little store I had gone to for a while. And things got interesting as Jeremy and I sat outside talking. I spotted the camera guy from across the street and to say the least this was getting a little interesting. I mean yeah I knew I was marrying someone who was famous and I would be out in the public eye more. And in a way I was out a lot more that usual, and people paid attention to me now, because of Jeremy.
We finished up our ice cream and Jeremy took my hand as we walked back to the bike.
"Babe, there was a dude across the street taking pictures."
"Rowan, just ignore them. It's part of being famous unfortunately."
"Yeah I guess you have a point. Anyway let's get back to my place. I'm ready to be out of the public eye for a while."
"Me too. Do you want to drive the bike home?"
"I have my license so I guess so. As long as you don't mind riding behind a girl."
"I don't think any man would protest to that Rowan."
I smiled as he handed me the key to the bike and I started it and put on my helmet. Jeremy got on behind me, putting his arms around me and to say the least, I loved the feeling. I put my visor down as we pulled away and drove back to my home. We took the long way home just because it was so pretty. We arrived after about thirty minutes and pulled into the drive as the gate shut behind us.
"Jeremy, that was amazing! Thank you for letting me drive."
"You're welcome."
"I'm just going to go get my mail."
He nodded as I walked down the driveway and grabbed my mail. Most of it was ads and magazines but one caught my eye. It had pictures of Jeremy with another woman and she was all over him, and he didn't seem to be trying to stop her. I ran back to the house and as soon as I saw Jeremy I punched him square in the jaw.
"What the hell Jeremy! You weren't at a costume fitting all day, you were out with another woman!"
He just stood there like an idiot and rubbed his jaw.
"Rowan, I can explain..."
"You better do a good job."
"She was an old girlfriend who wanted to meet up. I said yes to a lunch date and she made her move. It was a huge mistake Rowan and I am so sorry."
"Out Jeremy. Just get out."
"Rowan, I...."
"Jeremy just leave before I do something I regret. I'll call you when I have cooled off and we can talk."
"What about our engagement?"
"We are still engaged, but I just want to think this through a little bit. So please leave."
He nodded and walked out of the house. He tried to kiss me as he walked by but I just turned my head and waited until he left to cry.

Falling For Jeremy : A Jeremy Renner FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now