- Turning of Tides -

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*2 years ago*

When Soren turned 20 he was asked the most important question of his life, and he accepted.

Two decades old, my best friend of 7 years (I never include my first year in Katolis as I was quite the bitch towards the poor guy), became the youngest ever, Captain of the Crownguard.

And my god I was happy for him.

I never cared about the titles but I knew he did. He wanted to make his father proud and so I'm proud of him that he accomplished that.

But, being the youngest Captain of the Crownguard brought even MORE people falling head over heels for him. Few were brave enough to actually talk to him, asking him out on a date, but those who did found their hearts broken.

He never said yes.

No matter the person, no matter the beauty, Soren kindly rejected all of them.

It was the same excuse every time I asked.
"I guess I'm just too busy being, you know, Captain of the Crownguard." And every time he said it, he would end with a wink. The classic Soren wink I've grown extremely accustomed to.

I never really pushed him on the situation.


A couple days after he became Captain we woke up early to do some training together. Not to brag but I pinned him quite a few more times than he did me.

"I was going easy on you" he would always drawl whilst grabbing some water.

My reply never lacked a smirk, "Mhm, Soren, let yourself think that." I would say, "Or just admit you like it when I pin you down." I gave him one of his own famous winks and he chokes on his drink.

When we were walking back to the throne room he stopped me. I quirked a brow at him in silent question.

He seemed nervous, and that made me nervous.

"Do you want to go out tonight? For dinner I mean?"

The question didn't really catch me off guard as we usually went out to eat together often due to our close schedules.

But before I could answer he started talking again, an awkward smile on his lips.

"As friends," he reassured, "I'm not asking you on a date - wait unless you want to go on a date... I just, dinner, I need to ask you something, and dinner seems like a chill time to do that... like if you want to-"

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me at his flustered behaviour. Typical Soren. "Soren we go out all the time, I know it's nothing more" I told him. His smile remained on his mouth but faded from his eyes a little. "But sorry I cant do dinner tonight" - I had somehow gotten myself into a date setup by 16-year-old Claudia, god help me. "But I could do 8? At the East Tower bridge?" I let the option hang in the air.

"8 sounds great," he said with genuine happiness. "Aha! Wow that rhymes. I should start writing poetry."

"I bet you would write perfect picturesque poems Soren," I said as I patted him on the back and made my way around the corner.

"That's a lot of p's!?" He shouted in my direction.

"That is the alluring aim of alliteration, Soren, good technique for your poems!" I chimed back and continued on my way.


The clock of the hit 6:00 and I decided it was time to start getting ready. I had a shower and decided to leave my hair down, then applied some touches of blush, mascara and lipstick to make myself more presentable.

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