- The Great Library -

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We weren't in too much of a rush, so chose to let Zubeia sleep for as long as she liked. When the Dragon Queen finally awoke, the evening sky was painted warm colours of gold.

Zubeia lands in the outskirts of the camp. We draw a bit of attention to ourselves, people stare in our direction as the large dragon catches their sight.

"Let's split up," Ezran suggests as we hop off. He calls Zym in his direction as he wanders towards the temporary town.

Corvus looks between Soren and I, then decides to chivalrously go off on his own.

"You and me, m'lady," Soren mocks a courteous bow with an outstretched hand.

"Oh," I take the offer graciously, hand clutching his. "Lead the way, darling," I say in a posh accent.

There's a lot of people here - human and Sunfire Elf. We spot Spencer and stop to say hello. It's clear that the close living quarters between humans and elves are making people restless. "Oh, you're looking for General Amaya?" Spencer queries. We nod our heads on confirmation. "I haven't seen them... there's speculation that they left for the great library." But wasn't the city- "oh yeah, I believe Rayla and Callum also went."


"Thank you, Spencer," I say before grabbing Soren's hand and tracing our steps back through the crowd.

Unexpectedly, we manage to bump into Commander Gren and Kazi - a woman who I only have fond memories of - amidst the rush.

"Soren?! (Y/n)!?" Gren is clearly taken aback by our presence. 

"Why aren't you with Amaya?" It seems weird that he isn't alongside his General, as they're usually together. "They shouldn't be there alone?"

Kazi speaks up, "well, Queen Janai didn't want them to go, so it was more secretive."

Right. "She's still there getting Callum and Rayla," Gren explains. "She told us she would catch up but she hasn't returned." He sounds worried.

Soren raises a brow. "Isn't that place really dangerous now?" He leaves out the 'since my dad destroyed it.'

Commander Gren shares a look with Kazi. "The corruption of the Sun Orb infected innocent creatures and changed them," he expands. "We call them Shadowmonsters... and they're dangerous killers. Even worse, just a single scratch leads to the corruption of the victim." Uh oh. "Infected become corrupted shadows within a matter of days. They hide during the day to avoid the sun."

Hence why it's a problem that the night sky is getting darker.

"We can get to them quicker," I promise, and without further explanation, Soren and I leave. We run through the streets, finding Corvus first then Ezran and Zym before sprinting back to Zubeia herself. We tell The Dragon Queen everything before hopping on her back.

"I just hope they're alright," I whisper to no one in particular. The moon is glowing tonight, illuminating the dark blue sky more than usual. But even its brightness wouldn't stop the Shadowmonsters from attacking.

We see the building in the distance and Zubeia heads dead straight for the glass dome ceiling. The five of us grab hold of her horns or hair or anything else we can get a grip on. Then following little warning, she crashes through the glass.

The brittle material shatters around us, falling in heaps and pieces to the floor. I shield my face with an arm as we land. Glass is not a very kind rain.

Lightening strikes in pairs across the room, taking down distant creatures. The beasts are far from friendly looking - coloured dark shades of black, red and purple. Their pack seems to be closing in on Callum, Rayla and General Amaya. Zubeia whips her tail to the left, throwing several against the wall. She calls out, electricity brewing in her jaw.

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