- Archdragon of the Ocean -

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It's been an hour. I think. We don't have any way to tell the time.

But still, nothing has happened.

Ezran sits nonchalantly on the end I refer to as 'walk the plank'. Corvus and Soren had sat down next to piece that continues to emit the light beam. I opt to making the most of this rain. For the past half hour I've sprawled myself on my back, eyes closed, feeling the droplets soak into my skin.

It's a good way to be present.

As I peak an eye open, I regard Zym making his way over to his friend, offering a soft nudge to boost morale.  Ezran looks back at the three of us so I raise myself to my elbow. Sadly I can only offer a disheartened shake of my head.

But then the contraption makes a noise.

Then disappears altogether.

Soren sighs. "We broke it."

However I hear something in the distance and get promptly to my feet. Ezran does the same. Motioning for Soren and Corvus to follow, I make my way to my King. He, too, stands, and we all watch in awe as a dragon emerges from the sea.

She perches herself elegantly on a rock before us. Her body is sleek, composed of blue hues, orange and white. Stunning. She chitters as she sees Zubeia on the opposite side, her neck frills swaying in annoyance.

But Ezran takes his chance. "Great Domina Profundis," he announces, "Archdragon of the Ocean," he bows so I quickly follow the lead. "I have called you here because-"

The Archdragon interrupts his speech with a splash of her tail, sending a great wave onto the platform. The water sweeps us all off our feet, and unfortunately I'm standing too close to the side.

I feel my legs begin to dangle off the edge.

My strike of fear is at ease when Soren's forearm grasps my own. He pulls me back up carefully.

"Who is this child," the Archdragon seethes.

Damn she's rude.

I manage to stand next to Soren, exhaling deeply as I thank him. I keep a firm hold of his hand, readying to vouch for our King, but Zubeia speaks up.

"He is a King," she declares.

Then Ezran is marching toward the end of the 'plank'. "The Archmage Aaravos is trying to escape his magical prison," he explains. "His pawns are working, even as we speak, to find him and release him back into our world." Soren's grip tightens as reflex to the thought of his father and sister. "We need to stop them," Ezran continues, the Archdragon leaning closer, "can you please help us find his prison?"

Domina Profundis straightens her neck, the look in her eyes almost forlorn. "I do not know where it is." Ezran frowns at the answer, we all share the feeling. "But I do know what it is."



The darkness of the sky signifies how this must be the middle of the night. Soren and I stay awake on Zubeia's back. I hope the others are getting some sleep.

"Even though it feels like a different world," he sighs, "the stars are the same as in Katolis." I smile, looking up at the sky. The cool breeze is a nice kiss on my face. I shuffle closer to Soren, so we can look up together.

"I never took you as an astronomer," I tease and he flashes me that white toothed smile with a wink.

"Right there," he points to a constellation. "You can see the Big Spoon."

"What?" Laughter bubbles out of my chest at the name.

"Hey I'm not wrong!" He seems slightly offended.

I take his hand in mine to emphasise my condolence. "No, no, I believe you," I hum. "I guess I was taught different names with Rayla."

"So what do you call the Big Spoon?" He queries.

"That's Garlaath, the Annihilator," I say from memory.

Soren's eyes light up, looking between me and the sky above. "Okay, that is way cooler."

I chuckle. I guess it is. "What about other constellations that you know of?"

He thinks for a moment before pointing to a cluster in the distance. "That's the warrior Omiros," he explains. I squint my eyes, unable to decipher it. Ever so gently, he puts his forefinger on my chin and tilts my head down slightly. "His belt is the easiest part to recognise."

"Ah," there he is. "We know that as Starweaver's web," I explain.

Soren groans. "Seriosuly why does Xadia have all the cool stuff." He thinks on it. "Okay you cannot beat the brightest star in the sky." Soren doesn't need to point that one out. It is the most dazzling. "Human's use it to navigate - to find their way in the endless darkness of the night," he voices it like the opening to a story. I look at him, waiting for the name. "It's the South Star." He says it like a whispered secret.

"I like that," I mumble. "That one is Rayla's favourite," I remember. "It's Leaola's Last Wish."

"I give up," Soren exhales.

"They're beautiful," I say. "No matter what they're called."

"You're beautiful." Soren's voice is soft and low.

I feel my entire face light up with warmth and joy. I squeeze his hand. "You make me..." ecstasy bubbles from my chest, "happier than I thought possible, Soren." Our eyes meet and there's nothing awkward or uncomfortable about the longing look we share. "I hope you know how grateful I am to have you in my life."

"I'm with you." Although he says the words to me now in real life, I hear them as an echo. A reflection of everything that was, and what will be.

Soren tenderly leans over to plan a kiss on the side of my cheek. But as he pulls away, I turn to him, gingerly brushing his lips with mine. "I love you." The words fall so easily and truthfully off my tongue. Soren gave me a piece of my soul that I never know was missing.

I adore seeing his blue eyes light up, radiating with the bliss he deserves to feel. "I love you more," he winks and it just solidifies my feelings.

We've said the statement to each other times before, but tonight, under the stars, it feels different.

The love feels tangible.

I fall into a gratified sleep, with my head on his shoulder


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