- Liar -

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Later that evening, we are held at trial.

Well not me exactly, but I stand beside them anyways. As the huge oak doors open, Ezran trudges in. As he walks past us, Claudia lifts her chains to him, pleadingly. The young King's cold expression doesn't change.

He reaches the bottom stairs to the Dias and shares word with Opeli before turning around. "Most of you knew King Harrow as a great king. He was a leader, a warrior and a champion." He pauses, "But I knew him as my dad... who loved me and my brother and our mum. He became a father figure to my friend when she was alone. And sometimes... he told really bad jokes." He chuckled under his breath, and then acknowledges the three of us, smiling. "I didn't see everything he had to do as King. But I do know that my dad had to make very hard decisions."

Ezran stops speaking for a moment, contemplating his words. We lock eyes and I give him a slow yet sure nod.

He has his own mind, he can do this.

"I'm just a kid," he continues. "I haven't fought in any battles, I haven't read many books of wisdom, I haven't gone through the things that made my father the king he was. So, I've decided... that I don't have to be the king my father was."

I swear I love this kid so much. I see Corvus smile behind him, equally as pleased.

"My father made choices to keep fighting battles that started hundreds of years before he was born! To punish enemies for crimes their parents committed! I don't want to be that kind of king."

He stops, looking over at Soren and Claudia. "Set them free," he orders. Everyone in the room gasps, including the chained siblings. I just smile at Ezran. Proud. "Soren and Claudia will not pay for the mistakes their father made."

Some guy with a beard and weird hat speaks up, "but Your Highness, they're criminals!"

Ezran isn't having any of it. "Take their chains off!" River obliges at that, taking out his key and unlocking their chains. "Katolis will not go to war!" Ezran tells Prince Kasef. There is a war? "I'm sorry for what happened to our fathers, but we don't have to avenge them. We don't have to strike back. We can choose peace." Everyone gasps and mutters at that statement also.

Prince Kasef looks furious. He bows before Ezran and then storms out the door. Clearly someone doesn't like the idea of peace.

Opeli speaks up, "peace will require just as much strength as war. Are you prepared to defend it?"

I know he will with everything he has in him.

"Yes," Ezran says, walking over to the Crown, he places it atop his head. "I am."


The next day, Soren and Claudia are told they can visit Viren. I plan to catch up on the politics until Soren asks me to accompany them.

I can tell he's scared.

So I agree.

Claudia doesn't seem to mind my presence as we walk down the spiralling staircase. I keep an arm under Soren's right shoulder, his crutch supporting his left. As we reach the bottom, Dalia steps aside from her post, letting us enter.

She gives me a weird side eye on the way in, I never talked to her much. She doesn't have a very good reputation.

We enter the room, thick metal bars cleave it in two. Viren lurks in a dark corner of his cell, something is very off.

"Ah, my children," he murmurs, turning. "And (Y/n), so glad to see you all safe," he says, his face coming into the light.

Claudia braces herself against the bars but Soren hangs back. Nervous. I just keep supporting his side. "What happened Dad, why are you down here!?" Claudia queries.

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