- New Plan -

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The arrow flies, and I don't even think.

I just move.

I whirl around Runaan and catch the arrow midair by its shaft, mere centimetres away from hitting his back.

I drop the weapon immediately, too stunned by my own actions. Soren and I make eye contact across the balcony, he is just as astonished.

"Don't kill him!" I shout towards Soren and the stream of oncoming guards, strenuously thinking of a decent excuse.

Claudia saves me the effort, "she's right, we can find more practical uses for this one. Tie him up!" The guards promptly obey the order and I see the closest person to family I have left, be hauled away.

I try my best not to look too anguished while Soren approaches me. He doesn't say any words, merely analyses me for injuries before clasping his hands on each of my arms.

I look at him a moment. Grateful for this one mercy, that he survived. But then I remember who didn't, and the weight crashes down again. Tears collect in my eyelashes and Soren's face becomes blurry. I feel his strong arms wrap around me and I am overwhelmed by grief.

I hate myself for this constant vulnerability, but a part of me will always be thankful for Soren's ability to let me feel vulnerable.

"I promised him..." I try to voice my cause of despair but choke on the words. "Callum-" I can't speak, "I promised Callum... I broke it." I look up at Soren, his eyes equally as pained.

"It's not your fault," he tells me. The statement is somewhat true, but at the same time I can't help but carry some form of guilt.

It is- was our duty to protect the King.

All those years of training, preparing, protecting. Even they couldn't save him.

I bite my lip, trying to prevent it from quivering, and just nod my head. He bends down and whispers near my ear, giving our words some privacy, "my Dad said there will be a funeral tonight-"

I interrupt him, "what? so soon?"

He relays his father's words, "in a time of war we must move forward." They hurt. It makes everything that just happened, and everything that will happen, so... real.

"I'm with you." He promises. Our gazes catch at the words and... I trust him.

I trust that he will stand with me.

That he will choose me if it comes to it.

I will have to wait and see.


The whole kingdom gathered among the streets, even at such a late notice. Fires burning, candles lit, some even carry lanterns.

But all stand with their heads bowed.


I try to keep my head held high, to show no fear of the certain upcoming war, but I am too tired.

Soren seems to share the same exhaustion. Claudia and I walked on either side of him, more than a few paces behind Viren, Opeli and... Harrow's body.

Claudia hadn't brought up the recent events we shared in that dodgy dungeon today. We had shared some glances but nothing more.

Soren yawned, triggering me to yawn also. Claudia looks between us both and whispers, "hey, keep your heads up." She adds a smile and I hope I have been forgiven for my earlier betrayal.

The Dragon Prince - Soren x reader (f)Where stories live. Discover now