- The Fallen Star -

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"No just shh"



"But I have a questionnnn"

I squeeze my eyes more tightly shut. My hand comes up to rub my face. "Huh?" My index finger wipes the grit out the corner of left eye. My neck pains from the odd position it had been lying in when I try to move. As I lean back, the icy breath of wind hits my face again in full blast. Soren's back must've been preventing it.

I can hear his almost sheepish chuckle, "did you enjoy your cat nap?"

"Mmhm," I moan, not knowing how long it's been. "Are we there or something?" I gaze upwards and see the night is still dark as stars twinkle brighter. I find myself in a sort of trance as I smile unconsciously at the moon. The sight of it makes my fingertips tickle.

"Uh, no," Callum mumbles looking at me over the mirror, he pauses. "Wow... (Y/n) your eyes are glowing."

I assume that's not what he was meaning to say so I just grin at him, mumble a slightly awkward thanks, I think, before nodding my head towards the moon - that would be the only cause of their brightness.

Soren tries and struggles to crane his neck to try and see what Callum meant. The High Mage seems to forget the question he had and turns back around. Finally Soren manages to shift the mirror on his lap so he is looking at me. "Woah," he mumbles as our eyes meet.

I get goosebumps and assume they're not from the cold air around us. "What's 'woah'" I whisper back to him, assuming already it's just whatever Callum saw.

I think my sudden slyness catches my friend off guard as he stutters, something I haven't seen him do in about two years.

Sadly, he has always been the more confident one and finds composure easily. "You're woah." The grin that spreads across his face is fox-like.

I'm taken aback by the effect his words have on me, as if I'm 18 again.

Callum's arm shoots up into the air and I leave Soren's gaze to focus on what he's doing. "I remember!" He shouts and swivels furiously, causing Bait to groan uncomfortably. "I have a question."

I smile, adjusting my legs to become more comfortable. "Inquire away," I permit.

He gets cosy, and I can tell I'm in for a lot of questions. Let's just hope my memory of what Runaan told me once is working. "So this Fallen Star guy," he starts, "if he's a fallen Star... was there a time when he was just a- a star?"

I think on his words, remembering that day I healed my teacher and he told me the story. It was so long ago, I was a barely a child.

But I don't think I'll ever forget.

"His name is Aaravos," I remind my two friends, knowing Soren will be listening closely as this would be classified as 'important'. "And yes, he was a star. A Startouch Elf," I expand, "and apparently, one of the great ones." Callum leans in, wanting to know more. "He was respected and loved by all..." I pause, recalling when it all went wrong. "Until one day, they uncovered a long-hidden treachery."

"This is gonna be a good story," Soren interrupts excitedly and Callum frantically shushes him.

"Hundreds of years ago," I begin, "before Avizandum was King of the Dragons, the Dragon Queen, Luna Tenebris, mysteriously died."



"Continuing," I give Soren a stern look, "Luna lacked a suitable heir, and basically the other Archdragons fought bitterly over who should ascend in her place." I look out across the shadowed horizon. "The conflict grew and escalated towards inevitable violence. Thankfully, the great leader of the Sunfire Elves, Queen Aditi, stepped in to broker peace." Callum's face beams brightly with intrigue. "The Archdragons trusted this wise and kind leader, and agreed to abide by whatsoever she decided," I pause, slightly for dramatic effect for the boys. "But before she could bring peace to the world... Queen Aditi went missing."

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