- The Final Battle Pt 2 -

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Viren stands and his staff shifts into a full on spear. Ezran falls back onto the ground, clearly alarmed by the oncoming attack.

"HEY!" I shout, unsheathing and sword and running the last few steps until I'm in front of Ezran. Aiming my blade, I go to swipe his weapon out of his hand, but as soon as my steel makes contact with his....

It sends a shock wave up my arm. But not just some electric scare, a complete set of torturous burns.

I cry out, giving him the time to grab my the hilt of my sword and throw it far behind himself. I freeze, and then half kneel on the ground, trying to cover the young King as I realise I no longer have a weapon.

"Don't do this, Viren," I say, trying to stay civil. But he clearly lost his right mind years ago. He sneers at me before raising his arms, he will go through whatever it takes to get to the young King. I brace myself, the only thought in my mind is duty. Protect Ezran.

"NO!" Someone screams and I look to my right to see Soren running over, his blade raised. His eyes lock with mine and terror leeches into them as he realises how vulnerable Ezran and I are. "Drop the staff, Father!" He commands. "It's over."

Viren halts, but doesn't lower the staff. The blade hovers too close for my liking.

"I am Captain of the Crownguard," Soren states. "And he is the true King. I will do whatever is necessary to protect his life," he looks down at me for a second, "because now I know what the right thing to do is." His father's scowl only grows. "Do you hear me!" Soren shouts, giving Viren a chance to surrender.

"Soren wait!" Another voice comes into our hidden area and I see Claudia run in on Viren's other side. "You're making a mistake!" She stresses.

"Claudia," I urge, needing her help in this situation.

Soren thinks about his sister's presence, but then looks to where I still lay. He makes his choice. "Lay down your staff.... And surrender." He tells his father.

Viren snarls at him and disregards the demand. He raises his weapon and I brace myself. He brings down the blade with speed but then as he lifts it again, it falls to the ground. I look up to see Soren impaling his father, right through the heart.

Viren falls backwards and Claudia gasps, a hand covering her mouth.

Her brother's hands start shaking at the realisation of what he did and he takes a step backwards. "How could you," his sister seethes.

Soren drops to his knees, "I- I had no choice," he explains. It's true.

Ezran stands from behind me to go put a hand on his shoulder. I go to stand, to comfort him as well, but blinding pain laces through my stomach as soon as I move. Ezran starts speaking but I can't hear any of it as my ears ring. I stop trying to rise and the pain subsides.

The fuck?

"I dont get it," Ezran is saying, his head bowed in sympathy, "the battle was over."

But Claudia speaks up, "No... it's not." The boys share a concerned look before she continues. "The real battle... was never down here." She explains, "all of this... was just a distraction."

Sure enough, Viren's dead body starts to slowly disappear... leaving three Moonshadow Moths in its wake.

Soren gets to his feet, enraged. I go to stand next to him but when I try to get up a second time, I have to bite my lip to keep in a scream. Intense pressure swarms my abdomen once again and black dots cloud my vision.

I'm going crazy. I try to position myself to look as if I'm just dumbfounded on the ground. The dumbfounded part is easy, because who the fuck creates a war as a distraction. But the positioning myself comfortably is difficult.

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