- Broken Promise -

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Callum comes to me the next morning. "I just got done talking to Rayla, so don't worry about her." I'm not entirely sure what he means, but I assume she also got some backlash for not telling him. "I tried telling Ezran..." his words trail off, it must've been unsuccessful. "I understand why you couldn't tell me... When you care about someone, it's hard to hurt them." He moves his gaze to meet my eyes, "even when what you're telling them is the truth."

"Callum you still had the right to know," I admit.

"I think maybe I did know," he continues, "deep down. I just hoped... if I didn't think about it... maybe it wouldn't be true."

After finding out my childhood was a lie, I know exactly how he feels. The agony when you don't want to believe something is real. The idea of it is so far fetched that you do everything in your mind and power to make it not real.

Denial is sometimes the only comfort you can offer yourself, because once you let yourself feel... the misery is endless.

"But he's gone," more tears well in his eyes. I fear my face is mirroring his own. "He's really gone (Y/n)."

I move closer to the Prince and just hold him.

There is no other comfort I can offer, after the worst happens. Only my company. That is the single support I am able to give.


News came from Soren: they were leaving today.

I told him I would go with the Princes, he wasn't happy with that. But eventually, I convinced him and Claudia that we should all just accompany them on the journey.

I asked him a question that probably was too harsh, but I needed to know.

I said, "Soren what path do you choose? Go back with the information of the Princes decease? Or help save us all from a possible war?" His expression turned downcast at the first option. It wasn't nice of me to take Viren's words that he entrusted me with, but is is what it is.

However he still took my hand and with a smile, and promised me like he did all those years ago, "I'll always choose you, (Y/n). I promise."

I knew that meant he would come with us to Xadia.

It was enough.

Claudia was the one to tell Callum of our decision, he was happy, Rayla on the other hand, was not.

She came to me afterwards with a plan ready to go. It was more of a trap, a good one actually, but I doubted Soren and Claudia would fall for it.

At least, I hoped they wouldn't fall for it. If they did, it would mean Soren lied...

I didn't want to think of them falling for it.

I arrive with the Princes, everyone packed and ready to start the long ass walk. I never knew what happened to our horses, we sent the dogs home before we left to make the spell. Although, Lujanne said she would take care of them and they'd be there if need be. I don't know entirely what she meant, but she's magical. I trusted her word.

I walk alongside Ezran and Callum, trying my best to spend more time with the baby dragon. If cuteness could kill, Zym would take down armies.

After about 20 minutes of walking, Rayla speaks. I instantly know she's setting the trap. Skies I hope she's wrong about it.

"It's going to be a long journey," she starts, "Let me just go around this bush corner and see if I can find some berries or something." She disappears.

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