- Meeting -

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We were thankful when Callum woke up and only had a headache. Rayla told him what actually happened as we walked the stairs to the top of the Spire.

Everyone thought Ibis deserved something more proper, Zubeia told Callum some words to say. Soren and I talked with Ezran, who held Bait as we ascended. He told us of how they found Ibis up top when they landed.

I can't imagine the sight.

Surprisingly we don't talk with each other about Aaravos, whose words are continuously daunting. Or the fact Viren's body isn't here. Instead, Soren makes jokes about random-ass things, and Bait finds ways to interrupt or chime in. We talk about Amaya, and wonder how they're doing.

But as we reach the last couple steps, Ezran sighs. "I really liked Ibis," he tells us.

"He was pretty dam cool," Soren agrees and Ezran smiles.

My note is a little more downcast. "Ibis didn't deserve this," I say as we approach Callum and Rayla's position. We don't even know what exactly happened to him. The only information we have is what was said in his last breath... The Fallen Star has returned.

The five of us - eight including Zym, Bait and Stella - stand around Ibis' covered body. The blue embroidered white tapestry hugs his figure which rests on the ground. Perfect sapphire rose petals lay delicately on top.

It's a hard sight to bear. Especially with the Dragon Prince whining whilst gently shifting the fabric with his nose.

"Callum?" Ezran mutters, "do you know the Draconic words? The ones Zubeia said." I already know the answer but it still makes me thankful when he walks forward assuringly.

Callum reaches down to pick up Ibis' staff. His hand traces along the edges before hovering over the glowing azure sphere. With his right fingers, he draws golden shapes into the air.

I'm mesmerised. I can see why a person may because obsessed with it all.

"Sepultura Caelo," he pronounces and the intricate gleaming pattern dissipates. Everyone, including Callum, watches in awe as the wind picks up, causing rose buds to glide with ease. The cloth catches air, but as it lifts, we do not see Ibis' body.

But birds.

A dozen electric blue and black Songbirds soar out from underneath, rising into the morning sky. Following them, comes the echoing beat of powerful wings, and Zubeia comes into view from the right side of the Spire. Beautiful.

I silently promise my old friend that Aaravos will meet his end. No others should parish under his wrath.

Soren and I are the first to head back down the stairs. While the rest of our group remains up top for a while, and the Dragon Queen is flying, we have the atrium to ourselves.

"So," he says, as we walk in.

"So," I mimic, sitting down on the steps. He follows me lead, and takes a seat on my left.

"Did y'a hear from Beth about her and Thiago's engagement?" Soren inquires and I smile at the thought.

"Their small ceremony would've happened this morning," I chime, happy for them. It was just a couple days ago that Beth came to me with the happy news. She's only 20, with Thiago being my age.

"They're younger than us," Soren points out, reading my thoughts.

"What?" I mock, tilting my head. "Worried you won't be able to chose between the hundreds of women in Katolis?" I pause, "or Xadia?"

He chuckles, turning away and shaking his head between his upright knees. "I'm serious, (Y/n)!" He whines, looking back over to me.

I merely shrug my shoulders, sighing. "Personally, Soren, I'm a bit occupied at the moment to get married."

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