- Oh Callum -

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Pyrrah takes us down to the mystical glowing center of the Spire. I've only been inside this location once in my life, but you never forget gazing upon pure beauty.

The only thing missing is Ibis.

The grief from his death clearly weighs heavily on everyone in this room.

I try to help Soren take the mirror off of Pyrrah's back, but it's very clear he doesn't need any extra hands, and I was just getting in the way. "And, there we go," he says placing it on the grass in-front of Zubeia.

"Some how," the Queen investigates, "you have Avizandum's looking glass?"

"We did come across that conclusion on the way over," I tell her and she tilts her head curiously.

"Lord Viren stole it," Callum clarifies. "I never know what it was or whose it was, until (Y/n) told us about everything when flying."

I realise I'm still standing by Pyrrah's feet and make my way over to stand between Soren and Rayla. I give her a smile and nod as acknowledgment.

"The looking glass is enchanted," Zubeia tells us, "and linked to an identical mirror in the prison." As intrigue fills our small group, we edge closer subconsciously. "When no light reflects off it," she explains, "you can see directly into the prison itself."

"It all makes sense," Callum murmurs. "In darkness gaze upon a fallen Star."

"But the sun's coming up?!" Rayla exclaims. "It won't be dark enough to see through the mirror."

"The sun? Oh jeez I'm tired," Soren complains quietly.

"That's why you should've slept on Pyrrah, had a cat nap," I jeer back.

"Excuse you, you slept on me, on the way over." Soren whispers the statement softly enough so only I can hear, but with Rayla's passing glance I know her ears picked up on it too.

"Shush," I scowl and shove him aside.

Zubeia steps forward, "a little sunlight won't be a problem," she promises. "Vocare nimbum." Her voice echoes off the walls as sparks dance around her eyes. Lighting crashes from outside and we are cast in darkness are the ebony thunder clouds roll in. 

"It's working!" Ezran exclaims with glee.

The Queen looks at him slyly, "uh, I am a Storm Dragon," she reminds him. "I certainly hope it's working."

The sarcastic tone coming from the Queen of dragons causes me and Soren to chuckle and she smiles appreciatively. 

There is no need for eyes to adjust to the dark, however Rayla and I would be fine no matter the blackout. But coming from the mirror there is a smokey brightness. It's unnerving to see his body standing there.


The room is far from colourful, with saturated tones that are closer to white than anything else. But there he is. As Aaravos' figure turns around, most likely sensing our presence on the other side, all I can think about is Runaan.

Still not knowing the end he met.

When it happened.

'Do you want to die (Y/n)?'

Viren scowled those words at me one day in the castle after he had become King. He walked by me, and I couldn't refrain myself when I saw that same bug on his ear. We argued. Shouted. I'm surprised no one heard us and came to investigate.

'Or do you want the same fate as your disgusting Elf of a father!? To be trapped!?'

I squeeze my eyes shut, still confused. I inhale deeply and when I exhale, I open my eyes to see Aaravos walking closer. I notice Soren put an instinctive hand on the hilt of his sword. I cover his knuckles with my palm.

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