- Traitors -

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The sound alarms me and I jump out of my chair. Neither Soren or I have weapons and that makes me anxious.

"What are you doing!?" A man shouts before I hear objects clatter and a body being thrown across the room.

"You can't go in there!!" The nurse yells.

I go to run, to help in any way but Soren grabs my arm.

"We don't know what's going on!?" I half yell at him. "I can help." I say, tugging for my freedom.

We quickly learn what is really going on.


I don't know what she did or how she did it, but she walks towards Soren and I.

Her eyes glowing.

Indigo and black mist swirls around her body, like an open flame. I'm knocked sideways when she enters the room, the impact jarring me.

"(Y/N)!?" Soren cries, trying to move. Bolts of electricity spark around his sister's hands.

Soren stabilises himself with his arms, he looks at where I land, heavily distraught. "Claudia!? What- what are you doing!? I'm okay! Stop!?" He yells at his sister.

She aims the power at Soren and he starts screaming in pain. I see his viens light up bright blue and instantly get to my feet.

Although the energy cuts as her knees buckle and she falls to the ground. "Claudia!?" I stress, running to her side. I keep one eye on Soren to make sure he's okay, and- and he's smiling.

He's moving his feet. "AHA! I forgot how much I love wiggling my toes!" He shouts with joy.

"Hey, hey Claudia?" I urge as she stirs.

Soren bends over to feel his legs. "I can feel my knees!" He tells me, "and my strong, powerful thighs," he laughs and as he winks at me, notices his sister. I help her get to her knees, Soren grows weary. "Clauds? (Y/n)? Is she okay?"

She raises her head and I notice a white streak through her once completely black hair. "Your gonna be better now," she tells him. "That's all that matters."

"Just- Claudia sit down and rest for a moment," I say, leading her over to the corner seat. She obliges, clearly worn.

I turn to Soren once she's comfortable. All worry fading from my emotions as I take him in. "You can move!" I silently cheer, sitting down on the bed.

He swivels around so his feet are draped over the edge, then he hugs me. "Ah just can't believe it!" He tells me, squeezing my shoulders. "God I missed holding you like this."

We both tense awkwardly at the words. He pulls back. "Hugging, I mean, like just, to hug you again. It's nice," he explains. Then adds, "Thank you for choosing me."

I look him in the eyes, "always." I promise.

After seeing him in that situation, I know I'll keep it. I'll stand by him. I'll stay with him.

And it will be enough.


After Claudia woke up from her rest, Soren was already dressed and we were ready to go. He was still wobbly when trying to stand so the nurse gave him a crutch.

And that was it.

I thanked her one last time for staying quite about me. She merely gave me a small wink.

She has her own secrets.

Soren keeps the support under his left shoulder and I situate myself under his right. Claudia walks alongside us, tensely watching her brother's movements. Once we get down the stairs and into the town's square, Soren speaks up. His words aimed at his sister. "We both failed our secret missions, Claudia," he pauses. "What's Dad gonna say."

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