- Together -

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Dust is in my lungs.

My body is covered.

It's pure darkness.

I can't breathe.

Trying to open my eyes, I see specs of light filtering through rocks. I cough, wheezing with the grime in my lungs. "HELP!" I plead, going into a coughing fit, unable to move my arms or legs.

"(Y/n)?" Rayla whispers from nearby. At least I think it's a whisper. She may just be far away. I don't know. I cant think. But thank god. We're both alive. For now. Until we suffocate. I hear rocks shifting in-front of me. "Can we have a little help over here!?" Rayla screams a lot louder this time.

Two sets of thundering footsteps come into ear shot and more rocks shift. I groan, trying to move my own but being trapped beneath too many. I squeeze my eyes shut, fine particles irritating them.

There's movement from above, and words I'm not bothered to listen to closely. But then it's Soren's voice. "Where's (Y/n)!?" He stresses, and Rayla coughs. Then the rocks above me shift. Filled with endless amounts of hope, I find the strength and space to move my arms and try to help move them. There's a small space between a couple and I reach my hand through. "(Y/n)!"

Then the warmth of his hand grasps mine and I know I'm crying. I relish the moisture dissipating into my skin. This reminder that I'm going to make it out. The pressure on my head lifts next and then there's Soren, reaching his arms out to grab me. I groan, exclaiming slightly in pain.

Oxygen fills my lungs.

My body is free, safely embraced.

It's bright, with the heat of the sun.

I can breathe.

My face still in Soren's chest, I breathe in deeply. I smell body odour and mud but it's all Soren.

He moves me out of his chest and the light is slightly blinding. When his palm cups the side of my face, I lean into it, a single tear falling.

"I'm so glad you two are okay!" I hear Ezran chime, clearly running up this way.

But I still look at Soren, as he helps us navigate off of the boulders. "You should've told me where you were going," he mumbles, making sure I don't slip.

I smile at him, "I told Callum," I use as an excuse, standing firmly on the flat ground.

"Yes," Soren says through gritted teeth, looking at our friend, as if it was his choice what Rayla and I did. Those two stand in a tight embrace and it makes me happy. "I'm glad you're okay," he tells me, very seriously.

"Right back at you," I reply, smiling gratefully at Rayla and Callum. Ezran is clutching the two of them, and he motions for Soren and I to join.

We walk over and join this group hug. The kid is there, and Zym comes crashing into us. His mother speaks loudly. "I'll give you all a moment here to relax," she declares, turning around. "Then, we leave."

The embrace ends and I hug Rayla separately. She notifies me the coins are still with her. Thank every single god above. Soren ahems for my attention and I follow him over to a shady spot under a tree which blooms purple and blue flowers. I was hoping for a lighthearted conversation but instead he looks at me very seriously. "Did you find Viren?"


"No," I tell him and he just nods his head, "we found something better," I say with an edge of a grin, but don't give him the full story just yet.

"He's just gonna keep getting stronger," Soren states, referring to his father.

"I know," I say, enjoying the slight breeze that brushes past my face. Oh jeez I hope my face doesn't look too horrific right now. "But we can take on anything." The way he looks at me let's me know he remembers the phrase, like a promise. "Together."

His eyes narrow slightly, "together," he repeats, like he's tasting the word on his tongue.

He stares at me a little too long and I break eye contact, "why're you looking at me like that?" I say, grinning so hard my mouth is open in a permanent smile. He inhales deeply and I feel like I know what he's going to say. My expression falls, "I'm sorry I fucked up," I admit quickly.

He seems taken aback, "what do you mean?"

"These past years," I clarify, "I'm sorry I didn't reach out, or plan anything or talk to you about how desperately I need you in my life."

I hold my breath as he looks at me, then smiles. Now it's my turn to be taken aback. "Well, (Y/n)," he begins, "I'm sorry I fucked up." My mouth parts slightly, not knowing what to think. "These past years," he clarifies with a grin. "Im sorry that I didn't reach out even though I wanted to. Im sorry I didn't plan anything," he steps closer to me. "Im sorry I've never told you how much I desperately need you in my life."

I allow myself to smile now. "Are you serious?" I ask, slightly skeptical.

"Completely," Soren reassures, then shakes his head, clearing his thoughts. "We can't fuck up and wait for it again." I scoff, pure joy about to bubble out of my body. "We should be together," he pronounces and I nod my head steadily. "Doesn't need to be marriage," he clarifies, throwing his left arm in the air, "or even labeled!" He chimes, doing the same with his right. Then both hands make their way to my face. "But it does need to be you," he tells me.

I chuckle, not in a sense of humour but in a sense that I haven't felt this much happiness in a long fricking time. "Before you make this, very unfortunate, commitment to me," I tease and he mhms, tucking a loose strand of my messy hair behind my left ear, "am I truly, badass, enough for you?"

He laughs, "beyond, the most badass."

I flick my eyes to his lips but realise my anticipation is too strong. So I just make the move, and kiss him.

It's quick, and then I pull back, stopping my rushed actions. But he slyly grins, putting his hand on my waist and pulls me in.

Soren's lips are still soft after this whole past week, soft like a fresh meadow, like cotton candy, like melting and floating and being weightless in water. It's sweet, it's so effortlessly sweet. He holds me so tightly, the kiss becoming a passionate force, undoubtedly trying to make up for all the lost time. 

I start laughing when his hands grab unexpectedly under my thighs, and laugh even harder when he picks me up. We break away, both giddy as he carries me out of the shade. "Partners?" he chimes conclusively.

"Partners," I chuckle, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

We are undoubtedly getting curious looks from our friends.

Undoubtedly will need to answer questions.

But I'll be proud with every answer.

Because we are done waiting to try out this future together. The best way to have a secure future is to create it.

We will be together, together.

No more what if's or childish doubts.

We have each other.

It will be enough.

But our adventure is not over yet.

Darkness continues to loom.

We will put an end to it.


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