- Prisoners -

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We packed the ship quicker than I thought possible.

I met some other crew and questioned why I, the newest member, got to live so closely to Finnegrin, whilst these others didn't.


I didn't see a River board the ship - undeniably on purpose.

"Look through this here, darlin'," Finnegrin holds a monocular up to my eye. We've only just left the port. The morning sun is hopeful, but I see stormy weather ahead. Bad omen.

My one eye looks through the lens and I see a ship in the distance. "We got them?" I hope he denies.

"We got 'em."

Their boat seems so far away, I can barely glimpse it with my naked eye. However Finnegrin ensures that Sea Legs is the fastest ship in the whole of Xadia.

We follow their wake for an hour or two before I can truly recognise how much distance has closed between our boats. I can practically see Rayla and Soren. They tried to lose us - heading into the fog and using Callum's Sky Mage powers to grant them wind.

But it was all futile.

Finnegrin's ship truly is superior and we are gaining on them. I'm walking down the stairs to Elmer, when I'm swept off my feet. The ship coming to a lurching stop.

"Lose the sails!" Finnegrin cries out and immediately the large red sails are drawn down.

Elmer gives me a hand up. "Crazy, innit?" He says. The barnacles on his knuckles are tough and contradict his tender clutch on my hand.

"Yeah," I breathe, feeling motion again. "How do we keep moving without the wind?"

"That's Sea Legs secret, isn't it just?" He motions me over to the side of the ship. "At first I thought you belonged," he speaks quietly so others don't hear, "but now it's clear you don't want to be a part of this."

I look at Elmer sideways. It's quite a candid thing to say knowing his Captain would kill me if he also thought that. "I could say the same thing about you," I retort - and it's true. Ive see his discomfort when Finnegrin calls him names. I've seen how gentle he is at heart.

Elmer grunts. "Those jagged rocks ahead," he points, changing the subject very quickly. I see them about 200 metered away. "Yhose are Garlaath's Teeth."


"And," he chuckles, "they're going right into it."

He's right. I watch anxiously as the boat dodges dangerous waves and spikes that would kill. Thank the skies above. There's no way our boat - of bigger size - would fit through there.

But we don't turn.

We dont stop.

We can't fit.

Which is all clearly not an issue. A different sort of motion strikes the boat. It's not like the wind or the waves. It's deliberate, slightly shaky movements. The ship feels... mobile.

From my position at the side of the boat, I observe with an up close view as 4 crab legs and a damn big pincher extend from the ship's right hand side. They stab into the ground below in order to gain balance. I hold onto the side, unsure of how else to react.

My friends are so beyond screwed.

We are all screwed.

She, as in this hermit crab ship, steps over the jagged rocks and starts walking through the ocean in big scuttling steps.

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