- S O R E N -

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"They made it" Callum says.

I think my anchored heart skips a beat. "What?" The word is just a breathy whisper as I try to see Callum from around the damn Elf's body.

Rayla finally gets off of me after my persistant resistance. "Of course!" She exclaims. "The book drop." For a moment, I forgot that (Y/n) is also one of Rayla's childhood friends. Callum and Ezran's Aunt is down there. Corvus is down there. I need to control my emotions.

"They'll be safe?" Ezran murmurs doubtfully. I adjust my position to move towards my King. He holds Bait in his lap and the Glowtoad exclaims at my presence.

"They'll be safe," Callum sighs.

A weight is lifted off of Ezran's shoulders as Zym whines supportively. The moon is big tonight. (Y/n) loves the moon.

"We have to go back." My words are not a proposition, but a plea.

"There's nothing we can do." Rayla stares out at the city rubbles as it gets smaller in the distance.

"We can't leave them there to suffocate or be crushed!?" I can't control the defensive anger in my tone. When no one replies I think of a different approach. "Let's go back in the daylight."

"Zubeia is badly hurt," Ezran's voice is small and soft. I wonder if he regrets his choices - even if they're safe now. The Dragon Queen gives a grunt in some sort of confirmation. I remember Commander Gren saying something about infection from those monsters. Not good.

We've flown so far now I can't even make out the library building on the horizon. "But..." I don't know what else to say. We were having such a wonderful time, (Y/n) and I. To think that it all got destroyed because she's got a kind soul.

I feel like a selfish dick.

Rayla moves up the dragon's neck. Then she puts a hand on my knee and the touch is surprisingly comforting. "Soren," she murmurs quietly. "You know those three. You know (Y/n)," I nod my head in agreement to the statements. "So you know that they all want to find your father and sister, too."

"Rayla is right," Callum says. "We are going in the same direction, with the same destination. So theoretically we will bump into them along the way." He leans in close to Rayla, their comfort and touch so effortless.

The twinge of jealously is washed away with appreciation for their words. "I'm glad I didn't kill you, Elf."

"Don't fool yourself, human," she chuckles. "You wouldn't have been able to."

Rayla and Callum are right.

We will see each other again soon.

I hope.


When we arrive at the Storm Spire, my other friends go up top to discuss a plan. But I feel bad for Zubeia - she's all alone inside and I bet she could some company.

The Dragon Queen senses my presence as soon as I walk into the space but stays quiet. My eyes go directly to her bleeding side. "This wound doesn't look good," I state the obvious. "It's all magic-y and goopy."

Zubeia sighs. "I've suffered worse."

"I just want to humbly suggest, that whatever the team does next, you take a break," I say trying to express my sympathy. "Stay here and rest, okay? That's what you need to heal."

She chuckles mournfully. "Your friend, (Y/n), could have fixed it within the day." Speaking the truth right there. When I don't answer, Zubeia continues. "I am sorry about leaving your friends," she tells me. I can't believe the literal Queen of all Dragons just apologised to me.

It's not the right time to say anything besides be optimistic. "They're tough," I pronounce.

She smiles. "You don't have to tell me that," those glowing blue eyes of hers stare into mine. "I can see the deep love you have for each other." Zubeia hmms as if remembering what it was like to feel that way. "Keep a hold of it."

"We nearly let go once before," I admit, "it made me realise I'll never let that happen again." It feels nice to open up to someone as mighty and wise as the Dragon Queen. 

"Good, good," she mutters before leaning her head down to me. I pat her nose gently. "Now, I will be fine, sweet human," she promises. However that infection doesn't look very good.

"It's decided!" Ezran and Zym come bustling into the room. "We are going to meet the great Archmage Akiyu." Well this sounds interesting.

However I'm not happy to see Zubeia hide her wound from my King, giving Ezran a false sense of security that she's getting better.

But clearly it's time to go.

From the top of the stairs. Callum gives me that same look that I read with high hopes.

We will see them again soon.


The Dragon Prince - Soren x reader (f)Where stories live. Discover now