Episode 39

421 44 101

Earlier that morning.

Bai Luo Yin pulled open the drawers in Gu Hai's desk one by one with a mischievous grin on. Now with the office's owner gone, he can afford himself to snoop around and find out what his lover is hiding.

First drawer, documents. Second drawer, contracts. Third drawer, more documents. Kkkjjjjj boring. He almost gave up on his quest but his curiosity got the best of him. He pulled open the last drawer and his eyes lit up. A big round colorful lollipop sparkled at him. He immediately snatched it, and clutched onto it. two months without candy for a sugar addict like him had a special effect on him. An effect of acting like a possessive four-year-old boy.

His hand reached to rip open the wrapper but came onto a sudden halt when a purple little note fell on the ground from the other side of the lollipop. He picked up the note and let his gaze linger on it. His lips stretched upward, baring more and more of his white teeth with every word he read.

Because you deserve it baby. 😚
And I would have bought you a million more if it wasn't so damaging to your health.

Just the thought of you sucking on it...

God help me.

Da Hai. 😘

He giggled, and slid the note into his pocket. He jumped on the sofa, laying upside down with his legs smeared on the back of the sofa. His mouth sucking on the lollipop and his big chestnut eyes staring at the office door, teasing it. Come on, let's see you open and let Da Hai in. oh, the massacre...

"Besides for physical therapy, no physical exertion is allowed. No working out. no boxing. no military training, and no intense sexual activity."

Doctor's orders.

One more month to go. He suppressed his needs and flipped through a car magazine he found on the coffee table. The ring of his phone startled him. His body slipped, meeting the ivory plush carpet and his head landed inches from the legs of the coffee table.

"Ajjjjj." Damn it! he massaged his nape, rubbing the pain away. And without glancing at his phone to check the caller identity, his finger pressed -Accept- on the galaxy screen.


"Bai Luo Yin."

His pupils turned huge and he almost choked on his lollipop. "General Gu."

"Yes, I need to speak with you about an important matter. When can you swing by the house?"

"I can head out now General."


He left Gu Hai a note with the receptionist, walked out, and extended his hand stopping a taxi. Heading to General Gu's house.

The last time he visited this house was three months ago. It stayed the same, nothing changed. The huge portrait of him and Gu Hai together in the corridor announced all visitors that his mother was the one in charge of the decoration.

Someone hanged two new massive portraits near it. one, of him wearing a military uniform getting a medal. And another, of Gu Hai looking all honorable during one of his company events. The two of them, in two separate pictures, Massive ones. As if trying to compensate someone for the existence of the huge portrait of them together. The work of General Gu, no doubt.

"Aren't those portraits better?"

He turned around and plastered a polite smile on for General Gu. He can't really say no, can he?

"Is my mother here?"

"No, she went to the supermarket, she thought you will swing by later. Let's talk in the living room, the balcony is too hot today."

One of the housekeepers placed on the table a golden tray with coffee and an apple pie, but he didn't touch it. too stressed to eat anything. Let's get it over with.

"How is your recovery going?" General Gu took his time, slowly sipping on his cup of black coffee.

Taking your sweet time when you know the other is tense. This is so Gu Yang of you, General.

"It's going great, I am almost a hundred precent recovered."

"Glad to hear it." he sliced a piece of the apple pie for himself and got right to the point, finally. "I asked you to come here today because I want Gu Hai to have a child."

What? where did this come from? Didn't we have this conversation already?

"With all due respect General but, I think you should have asked Gu Hai to come here, not me."

"You know my son. He will never listen to me. however, he will listen to you. If you really love him like you claim, you should want to make him happy and give him a child."

"General, I asked him about this before, he said he didn't want any."

"Of course he said that, do you think he will ever tell you the truth knowing you cannot give him one?! I know my son, he wants children. You don't want him to be happy?"

Of course I do. What kind of question is that? He blurted some curse words in his head, this conversation had only begun and already started to agitate him. Fine, he will sip on his coffee too. he has to take a moment and distract himself from the speeding train called his brain. Speeding through the tracks, imagining every possible horrible outcome to this discussion. He is so going to regret asking this question, with General Gu, there are never any good answers to it.

"What do you expect me to do General?"

"It is quite simple actually. I found a girl for him, a smart beautiful young girl with a great background. I want Gu Hai to be with her a few times until she gets pregnant, after that he doesn't have to see her again. You just need to convince him to meet her, that's all."

His big eyes darted at the General. He can't really ask him to do such a thing, can he? He choked on his coffee and coughed. He moved in his off-white velvet chair, extremely uneasy. He cleared his throat. Please, I don't want to start another war, three were enough.

"I am sorry General. I can't do that for you."

"Why not? I am letting you two live together. I am not forcing you to get treatment for your disease, I had even been to your wedding. Haven't I restrained myself enough? Don't I deserve to get a little peace of mind from my son? And what about your dad? He deserves to be happy too. Don't you want at least one normal thing in that crooked path you chose to call life?"

His delicate heart got stuck in his throat, as if someone shoved it down his esophagus, insisting on not letting him breathe. He locked his lips and threw the key away. He had so much to say yet he said nothing. If the General still doesn't understand their relationship, if he doesn't understand how inappropriate it is to ask him such a thing. Will he ever understand anything about them?

"Maybe it's hard to hear, but it's the truth, think about it and talk to Gu Hai." He got up brushing off the apple pie crumbs from his pants. "I have to head back to the base now. Don't be so close-minded, just think about it." he said and left the house.

Bai Luo Yin gazed at him jumping into his military vehicle and backing out of the driveway. On his way to the military prison, to decide which rebel soldier can be released and which ones need more "education" time. poor soldiers, their life depended on General Gu's word.

This time, don't let your words cause so much damage General.

-January 16th 2022-

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-January 16th 2022-

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