Episode 84

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Explicit & graphic description of violence warning.⚠️

Twelve hours to the escape flight

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Twelve hours to the escape flight.

"Okay, good job!" Tong Zhe smiled warmly at Yan Ya Jing. "Three contracts in a week. Gu Hai will be very delighted with us. It's a good thing that we moved on from North Korea. Japan and South Korea are so much easier to do business with, you did check the fine print for any potential discrimination, right?"

"I did, one of the first things I told them about was Gu Hai's sexual orientation. They didn't care much for it. They only cared about talking business, and making money."

"As they should." Tong Zhe exclaimed.

"Tong Zhe, can I see you in my office please?" Tong Zhe's office line buzzed.

"Yes, right away boss."

"Let's review this contract later," he told Yan Ya Jing on his way out. "If the Japanese are so eager to do business with us, we might just need to visit there more often. Good Job darling."

🌸 🌸 🌸  

In the company's president office, Gu Hai already waited for him, seated on the single sofa in his office with a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. Gu Hai beckoned him to join him, and sit on the sofa next to him as he solemnly peered at him. "Do you remember when I told you about my plan to open a branch in the states?" he asked.

Tong Zhe was about to take a sip from his own coffee when the question caught him by surprise. He placed the cup of coffee on the table without taking a sip. "I thought you dropped that idea long ago since Bai Luo Yin was against it..."

"Well, things have changed. Don't ask me for the details, but in a few hours Yin Zi and I are moving to the states, for good. I will open the branch there as planned once we will get settled. I want you to step in for me, and fill my position. I want you to manage this branch. What do you say?"

Before giving Tong Zhe any chance of answering, Gu Hai quickly scribbled down something on a narrow piece of paper, and slid it across the table to Tong Zhe's side. Upon unfolding the tiny piece of paper, Tong Zhe's eyes blinked wide as they painted themselves with the bright color of satiety and content. The number scribbled down so casually exceeded his current salary by three-fold. Talk about a grand promotion.

"I am saying yes boss!" He promptly answered. "I will be happy to!"

"Great!" Gu Hai looked pleased. "If you have any questions, anything that you don't understand, this is the time to ask me. Once I will leave, I am not sure when will be the next time I will be able to communicate with you comfortably over the phone."

For the next few hours, the two scanned, looked at, and examined together every single query and detail of the company. Its regulations and its method of management until Tong Zhe remembered them all by heart, and felt confident enough to step into his new job.

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