Episode 2

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In a blink of an eye two years passed by.

Two years of marriage with harmony, a healthy routine and a bundle of good news.

Seeing Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin enjoying their stable marriage led more couples to find their way to one another.

Tong Zhe fell in Yan Ya Jing's charm, they got married and had a baby girl.

Gu Yang and Zhou Ling Yun kept on pestering each other in all kinds of twisted ways, sometimes almost to a literal death.

Eventually with the push of Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin they decided to give in to their urges and express themselves like normal people as much as they were able to and became a couple or as they call it, sex partners plus, the plus is for feelings.

Yu Qi and Yang Meng stayed very good friends; Yu Qi has transformed himself into a very successful famous actor.

He still never forgets to pick up the phone from time to time or drop by for a visit at his good high school friend's house.

But things have changed a little, Yu Qi has found a girl after his own heart, a famous stunning model, he put a ring on her finger and a year later they welcomed a baby boy into their celebrity life style world.

The chemistry between Yang Meng and Liu Chong was doubtlessly a terrific one, since the first time they met.

They were good friends for a few years but during the past year they deepened their relationship and changed their status to something more.

If you were to ask Yang Meng what is his sexual orientation he will reply instantly with "Definitely not gay!"

He will justify it and say:" It is just that Liu possess those qualities I have been looking for throughout my entire life, my attraction to him has nothing to do with the fact he is a man."

For Yang Meng, Liu is someone who does not call him 'a girl' makes fun of him or enjoys taunting him.

You can call Yang Meng gay if you insist on labeling him but the thing is he is not attracted to any other man, besides for Liu, he is attracted only to women.

Every time Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai received the news on another new couple who took the decision to join forces and give it a go, their level of jubilation was up to the sky high, they used every little love story as an excuse for a celebration.

The worries about their own friends or family members being their love rivals or simply a one-sided love lastly came to an end since each one found their other half.

The only one who stayed a flirtatious horndog was Gu Yang but even he took it down a notch, they all became a big happy family.

And so, on another Tuesday in their relaxed routine, Lieutenant Colonel Bai exceptionally got two hours break from the base in the middle of the day.

The morning's training required a grueling effort, a number of soldiers received this small surprise of a short break for a rest since in the evening a couple of high military officials were scheduled to arrive and examine the abilities of the best of the best around the base's compound.

It included unit 206, the unit of Lieutenant Colonel Bai and Caption Chong.

Thus, while Liu rushed to the police station to catch a quick lunch with Yang Meng, Bai Luo Yin set a quick date with Gu Hai at a café nearby, half an hour drive from the base.

For Gu Hai the road was double the time, but it didn't matter to him, he wanted to make Bai Luo Yin's drive back to the base easier and quicker, that way Bai Luo Yin could relax on their date without the stress of missing the deadline.

Bai Luo Yin arrived at the coffee shop first, grabbed a table, ordered a strong black coffee and read a book about war and history while waiting for Gu Hai.

"Bai Luo Yin? Is that you?"

A cheerful feminine voice sounded behind him, he turned around and glimpsed at the grinning woman flipping her long brunette hair from side to side, in an attempt to attract and impress him, he narrowed his eyes at her trying to remember if he knows her and from where, but he remained completely dumbfounded, not able to recognize who the smiling woman was.

A cheerful feminine voice sounded behind him, he turned around and glimpsed at the grinning woman flipping her long brunette hair from side to side, in an attempt to attract and impress him, he narrowed his eyes at her trying to remember if he kno...

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-September 6th 2021-

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