Chapter 1

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When Allie woke up on a Saturday morning in March she did not expect the sun to be shining. England was known for it's famously bad weather, so the sun peeking through the curtains was a shock. Nether the less, she was glad that the sun was out as she had a fantastic day shopping on Oxford Street planned with her sisters. 

She had lived in London all of her life, as a child above her mother's cafe which sat not far from Tottenham Court Road, and then eventually she was able to move into a beautiful apartment overlooking the River Thames. Although she loved her mother and her sisters, she loved living on her own even more. At times, however, she had to admit that it got very lonely. 

She climbed out of bed and picked up her wand which sat on the bedside table. With a quick flick of her wand, the curtains flew open to reveal the beautiful sunlight. She smiled as the sun lit up her face. The warmth it radiated was incredible and not something that she was used to in March. After placing her mobile phone on charge, she walked through to the open plan living area and into the Kitchen where she made her morning coffee. After living in a cafe that served mostly muggles Allie had become used to using muggle contraptions such as a kettle, toaster and a mobile phone. She and each of her sister's had one to keep in touch easier - well that was what her sister Izzy had said anyway. 

As soon as she had made her coffee, she sat down on the sofa and just smiled, content in the sunlight and peace and quiet of her apartment. She had a very busy job working as personal assistant to the publisher of a Wizarding Magazine called Wizards Which?, it had not been her dream job but it paid extremely well and she enjoyed learning about publishing alongside her job. No, her passion was baking. Much like her mother, she enjoyed baking and watching the reactions people had when they ate her cakes. She regularly baked cakes for her mother's cafe and hoped that she would be able to do it as a career one day. 

A few hours passed by and she was ready to go out and meet her sister's for the day. The London streets below her apartment were busy with tourists and Londoners alike. There was a cool breeze in the air which meant that she needed a jacket, but the sun was still beating down which, in her opinion, was perfect weather for shopping. Not too hot and not too cold. 

She boarded the tube at Embankment Tube Station and made her way up to Tottenham Court Road. They had agreed to meet at their mother's cafe before leaving for the day. This was the best place to meet in London for the three of them because even though Allie's two sisters, Izzy and Eliza, had also lived in London for many years, they had both now moved out of the city with their partners and were living their lives in much more rural destinations. It was just easier to meet at their mother's Cafe which had been the centre of their whole childhood. 

She smiled as she watched the people around her. Something about the tube was a big part of Allie's life in London. As a Witch she could easily apparate to her destination but she much preferred travelling just like muggle Londoners did, on the underground train. There was nothing more Allie liked to do on her commute than sit and watch the muggles around her rushing around to make their connecting trains or simply sitting with a book and enjoying the journey. 

Tottenham Court Road was already packed full of tourists heading onto Oxford Street to start their shopping, just like she would soon be doing. However, her first stop lay just a little further up on Bedford Square, Eva's Coffee and Cakes. The little Cafe had been her home for so many years and it always made Allie smile whenever she turned the corner and caught sight of the purple painted window front and gold writing above the doorway which told you the name of the Cafe. The Cafe was her mother's pride and joy, apart from her daughter's, and she just loved serving the people of central London their coffee each morning. 

Allie pushed open the Cafe door and smiled at the view of her mother already rushing around the Cafe with a tray in her hand and a pink apron tied around her waist. Eva Morez had always had an angelic air that surrounded her, well that's what Allie and her sister's always said anyway. It was impossible to dislike her and everybody that met her said so. She had many friends both wizards, witches and muggles alike and they all loved her dearly. Allie had always wondered what exactly she would do without her mother. 

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