Chapter 21

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Allie felt immediately sick as her feet touched firm ground after disapparating from the Potter's house. She despised apparating and felt positively nauseous at the thought of what Emilio was going to do with her. She had remained calm before to save Lily, but now she was terrified and she couldn't hide it. 

She took in her surroundings and realised that they were underground. She supposed that this must have been where Emilio had been hiding away from the Aurors and why James had not managed to locate him before now. It was dark and dingy inside what she could only call a bunker, however it had obviously been purposely built to keep his victims from being found. 

Emilio pushed Allie along a corridor without a word up to a door at the end. He knocked the brass handle twice against the door and it swung open to receive another person who looked equally as menacing as Emilio. She was forced up two steps until she entered a what had to be a mansion with the amount of doors leading off of just one corridor. 

"This is your room Alivia." She was pushed from behind into a very strange room. It looked like it had been decorated to suit a little girl and was painted pink, however it looked dated. Paint was beginning to peel from the wall and a strong smell of damp filled the air. In the centre of the room sat a large double bed with a large white canopy covering it. A rocking horse sat by the window which had been boarded up and made the room seem very dark. By now she was very confused, why was she being kept in here?

"Where am I?" Allie asked as Emilio stood blocking the door.

"Like I said, this is your room." With that he slammed the door shut and locked it from the other side with a spell she hadn't heard before. She sat down on the bed and finally let the terrified tears fall. If he was going to kill her, she'd rather him do it sooner than later so that she didn't have to endure the unknown. 

She took the time to look around the room for any clues as to who Emilio might be and what he could possibly want with her. At the end of the bed on the opposite wall sat a dressing table which she assumed had been white, but it had discoloured over a number of years and was now more of a yellowy colour. The paint had been chipped at the corners and on the fragile legs, she couldn't help thinking that it had definitely seen better days. 

She sat down on the stool which had been sat under the desk and opened one of the drawers to see if there was anything inside. To her surprise, a few photographs lay in the bottom of the drawer, she hadn't expected to find anything. The first photo was of two brothers who looked like identical twins, it was very old and had yellowed over the years that it had been sat in the drawer. It was hard to make out their features because the photograph was in black and white, but Allie didn't recognise either of the men pictured. 

As soon as she picked up the second photograph she recognised both of the people in the photograph. She gasped and dropped it onto the dressing table. When she got over the initial shock, she bent over to look at the photograph. One of the people pictured was definitely her Mum. Eva Morez looked absolutely radiant in the photograph, this one was in colour so Allie could see just how young her Mum looked. Eva's brunette hair glowed in the sun and it hit her face just right, her blue eye's twinkling with happiness. Both of them were wearing Hogwarts uniform and they looked so happy, laughing together. She recognised the other person to be Emilio Rossa, however he looked much less menacing and more like a normal young boy. It was clear that her Mum had known him at School. 

Then it hit her. Her Mum had always told she, Izzy and Eliza that she knew who their father was, but he wanted nothing to do with them. Could Emilio Rossa possibly be her father? Suddenly she felt nauseous again. If he was her father, why had he killed her Mum and what did he want with her now?

She sat back and stared at the wall, shock taking over. It seemed apparent to her that her Mum had kept so many secrets over the years and it seemed that they had led unfortunately to her demise. If only she'd been honest with them, maybe they could have known their father and all of this could have been prevented.

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