Chapter 15

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Allie smiled as she watched Rose Weasley twirl around in her wedding dress in the Potter's front sitting room a week later. She looked absolutely gorgeous and Allie just couldn't believe that she was getting married, especially to Scorpius Malfoy.

The pair had always been close whilst they were at School and they had dated during Allie's final year at Hogwarts and it seemed that they had stayed together. It was a well known fact that Rose's Dad, Ron Weasley, her mother Hermione and James' Dad Harry weren't big fans of Scorpius' Dad, Draco Malfoy, so they had all gone mad when they found out about Rose and Scorpius. Allie remembered it well and it caused a great deal of turmoil in the family. 

However, it looked as if things had worked out and the couple had persevered over the years to make their relationship work. Lily had told Allie earlier on that their parent's tolerated each other now and were just happy that their children were happy. 

"It's just absolutely stunning Rose." Allie gasped, walking around the dress and staring at it in awe. It was an a-line cut with sparkling embellishments all the way around the skirt. The skirt flowed out from her waist and the bodice had a sweetheart neckline that was full of tiny flowers, it was just beautiful. 

"Isn't it? It took her so long to choose it." Lily smiled from where she was sat on the sofa. 

"Well I wanted to find the right one! And finally I did, i'm so excited but we've still got so much to do! It's four months away and I feel like we hardly have anything prepared." Rose cried, suddenly looking very flustered.

"You know that Grandma will help you with anything you need Rose." Lily told her as she helped her out of the dress.

"I know, but I don't want to put too much pressure on her. She thinks she's younger than she actually is these days." Rose replied.

"How are your Grandma and Grandad?" Allie asked, remembering them fondly. Arthur and Molly Weasley were quite possibly the kindest people she had ever met in her life. They were a huge family and James, Albus and Lily had loads of cousins. Allie had always admired how close they were as a family and she hoped for the same thing one day.

"They're doing great actually, Grandad turned eighty last month and Grandma is due to turn eighty in July, just after my wedding." Rose informed her.

"I'm glad to hear that they're doing ok." Allie smiled.

Suddenly, a loud alarm noise sounded in the Kitchen. The three girls froze and stared at each other in alarm. What on earth was that?

"What was that?" Rose whispered, looking absolutely terrified. Lily gestured for them both to follow her into the Kitchen where the noise had come from, her wand in her hand. Allie and Rose followed on behind, both holding their wand's in anticipation of what might happen. Floating in the centre of the Kitchen was a patronus type figure, but it didn't look fully formed. 

"This is James' alarm system. Somebody has just tried to apparate within the protection enchantments." Lily muttered, her eyes darting around the Kitchen for any sign of danger.

"Could it be a member of your family?" Allie asked as the three of them stood staring at the floating figure. 

"No, everyone who visits us, and is somebody we know, has clearance to get inside the enchantments." Lily whispered, as she turned around and stared at the front door. Allie's blood ran cold. What if it was somebody here for her?

"What do we do?" Rose whispered as the three girls stood frozen in the Kitchen. 

"There's nothing we can do except be on guard. They shouldn't be able to get through the enchantments, Dad and James set it them themselves. I'll send a patronus to James though as well." Lily replied as she sat at the dining table, she looked extremely worried. James had had to leave that morning for an urgent case, so they had been left alone in the house. Had the person who had tried to apparate in known that James wasn't there?

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