Chapter 32

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James looked around the garden frantically for Allie. Ever since she had returned to stay with him and his family, he had been overly protective of her and had decided to take a few weeks off work to stay with her and make sure that she was ok. He knew that he was being too protective but he didn't care, Melissa was still out there and he was worried that she would come for Allie next.

He smiled as he spotted her sat on the garage roof, her legs dangling over the edge. This was something that they had often done as teenagers. She had always loved looking up at the stars and it seemed that that was what she had chosen to do.

"Merlin I didn't find getting up here as easy as I did when I was fifteen." James huffed as he climbed up the ladder that Allie had obviously used to get up on to the roof. He sat down at the side of her as she laughed. 

"That's because you're turning into an old man now Mr Potter, at the ripe old age of twenty six you're positively ancient." She laughed.

"Hey! You can't say anything, you're the same age as I am! I can't believe I missed your birthday." He sighed, her birthday had been whilst she was being kept hostage. He would make sure that they'd celebrate it over the next few weeks.

"It's really ok, I can't say i'm thrilled about turning twenty six." Allie shrugged. He understood because he had felt the same when he turned twenty six.

"Still! How on earth did you get up here with your internal injuries?" James asked her, shocked. After Melissa had performed the cruciatus curse, James had taken Allie to St Mungos Hospital to check for internal injury and it turned out that she had a broken rib. 

"It doesn't really hurt any more and I was careful." She shrugged. He gave her a wary look before turning away to look across the garden.

"Promise me that you'll be careful though." He told her sternly. 

"I promise." She smiled, she was probably getting sick of him watching her so closely. 

They fell into silence for a while and James knew that it was the right moment. He had to tell her how he truly felt before he burst. Ever since she had returned the warm, glowing feeling in his heart had returned and whenever she was in the room he felt himself smiling. He knew that he was ridiculously in love with her, he always had been really.

"Al, i've been wanting to talk to you about something since you arrived back here, but I wanted to give you the time to process everything before I did because I didn't want to overwhelm you." He was so nervous and he didn't know why, it was only Allie! He played with his fingers and looked down at his lap.

"So have I actually I-" Allie started before he quickly cut her off.

"No, let me say it this time, you always do all of the talking and it's my turn." He laughed, nudging her in the side gently. 

"Ok." Allie laughed. He nodded once and tried to find the right words to say. Then it hit him. He just had to follow his Mum's advice, to speak from the heart and bare all to her. He loved her and he wanted her to know that. So he just went for it.

"Allie, I was absolutely terrified when you got taken away. I searched and searched every single lead that I had just to find you and i've barely slept these past few months. I kicked myself for weeks for bringing you here, but eventually I realised that Rossa would have found you anywhere. He had great resources and i'm sorry that I didn't find you sooner I-" James paused as he thought about the months that she had been missing. He hadn't realised until now just how much he had struggled.

"James, please don't say sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for...." Allie trailed off, obviously sensing that he had more to say.

"I'm just so glad that you're back and I....I don't want to waste anymore time. I'm in love with you Alivia, I don't think I ever stopped loving you and I understand if it's too soon for you, but I just need you to know. I just can't bare to be without you for another second and it took for you being taken for me to realise it. I know that that is a terrible thing to say, but it made me realise that i'd do anything for you." He stopped to regain his breath. He had literally just poured his heart out and now he waited with bated breath for her to say something. 

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