Chapter 6

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"What's on your mind? You're so quiet." Melissa asked James as they ate dinner that night. Melissa had decided that it was date night, so she had chosen an upmarket fancy restaurant in Greenwich. It wasn't really James' scene, but he had to go with whatever Melissa had chosen. She would be mad if he seemed like she wasn't enjoying it. 

"Sorry, I was just thinking about the Eva Morez case. Nothing seems to add up." He told her honestly. This was true. He and Auror Richards had started working on the case the moment that the Morez sister's had left that afternoon. They created a family tree for Eva, even though he still couldn't find out anything about her biological parents. Allie had always told him that Eva had moved over to England to attend Hogwarts from the Dominican Republic, however she had never met her grandparent's and Eva had always said that they had disowned her because she was a witch. 

"What did the Morez sisters have to say today?" Melissa asked, watching him closely as he spoke. 

"They told us a bit about Eva, but it seems that they are pretty clueless about her past as well. From what I remember of her, she was a lovely woman and she adored her children, she was very popular in both the muggle and wizarding community and as far as they know, she had no enemies." James informed her. 

"It sounds like a difficult one, I trust Auror Richards has been positively useless?" Melissa gave him an amused look. 

"Actually, he has been quite helpful. Apart from the fingerprint fiasco, he has been quite insightful, not to mention that he nearly captured somebody stalking the Morez sister's on Oxford Street the other week- WAIT!" James nearly jumped up from his seat. How could he have forgotten about that?! Surely the stalker that James and Auror Richards had seen that day had something to do with Eva's murder! 

"There was someone following them?" Melissa asked, not looking at all alarmed by James' outburst. 

"Yes...I still have the footage. I'll look at it tomorrow and see if I can track him down." James tried to calm down but his mind was racing. What if the Morez sisters were in danger? What if he was too late and something happened to one of them? 

" know because we've been dating for a few months now.....I just wondered if I could finally meet your family?" James nearly choked on his food. His mind had been solely focused on Eva's case and she chose this moment to bring THAT up. He daren't look up at her because he knew that his face would give away his feelings entirely. He had never taken a girl home to meet his family, apart from Allie of course. Melissa had met his Dad before, but only because he was her boss. 

"Ah, erm......i'm not sure if that's wise Mel, i've actually never taken anyone to meet them before." He lied. If he mentioned Allie she would be sure to go mad. 

"Well I can be the first! Please James, i'm serious about this relationship and I want things to move forward with us." She practically begged him. James suddenly felt very ill. How could he say no?!

"Well I suppose that we could arrange something...." He trailed off. That was the last thing he wanted. His Mum was already unhappy that he was dating his boss. 

"Oh that's great! I will be sure to make a good impression, i'm really good with parent's." She gave him a reassuring smile. He couldn't help but think that she wouldn't be very good with his family, especially his sister Lily. For years and years she had been obsessed by the fact that he should rekindle his relationship with Allie and she was still dead set on it even now. They had been very good friends and Lily thought a great deal of her. 

"Oh i'm sure you will." He murmured. 

"So tell me about your relationship with Allie. How did it end?" Melissa asked. This surprised him. Why did she want to talk about one of his past relationships?

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