Chapter 5

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Allie managed to hold her tears in as she stormed out of James' Office and into the corridor. She held her tears in whilst she took the elevator back down into the Atrium. She held her tears in whilst she exited the Ministry of Magic. She held her tears in until she walked across Westminster Bridge to the opposite side of the River Thames right up until she found her favourite spot. That's when the tears came flooding out. 

Tears that she had not yet shed for her mother, the loss of her sister's when they moved away and most of all the loss of James. It was making things even harder having him back in her life and she had only seen him twice since her mother had died.  To make matters worse her sisters had all but told him that she was sad and lonely and he was was probably sat there now laughing at how sad and lonely she was. 

She laughed at the fact that she was thinking about him at that moment. There were things much more important going on in her life and yet all she could think about was James. He had entered her life again so abruptly. If they had been in different circumstances two weeks ago she would have been shocked at the sight of him in person again, but she hadn't even had time to register that he was there because the sight of her Mum's body on the floor had been all the shock she'd needed that day. 

She stood up and leaned against the railings, wiping her eye's and shaking her head at how stupid she'd been. Of course Izzy and Eliza were going to be returning home soon, they had families to think about and their Mum wouldn't want them to be sitting around moping for too long. She could hear her voice in her head now 'Go and live your life mi amor, live and don't regret a single moment of being alive.' It was always something that she had said to the three of them and Allie had always tried to live by her mother's words.

"Allie?" She froze at the sound of his voice behind her. How had he even managed to find her? She turned to face him, a questioning look on her face. 

"James?" She looked at him confused.

"You've been crying." He stated, taking in the sight of her face. His expression softened as he walked to the side of her and leant against the railings, looking out across the water. 

"I was stupid, I shouldn't have said those things to Izzy and Eliza." She told him. How was it that she felt like she could talk to him so openly? Even after all the years that had gone by. 

"No Allie they were wrong, what Eliza said wasn't kind." He told her, turning to face her. 

"But I was also wrong, I can't hold Eliza and Izzy back from living their lives just because i'm lonely." She admitted. She couldn't even look at him.

"I know but things are still fresh Allie, your Mum hasn't even been gone three weeks yet. Eliza and Izzy know that it is too soon, please listen to me" He took her hands, obviously surprising both of them "You are all grieving Eva and you will have arguments, just go and talk things through with them."

Allie looked down at their joined hands and was shocked at the sparks that shot through her body the moment he touched her. It was like no time had passed between them, like they were the same James and Allie who had been madly in love back at Hogwarts. She quickly dropped his hands, she couldn't be put back under his spell.

"You're right, of course you're right. We all miss her so much, I don't know how i'll ever get past this." She told him honestly, sighing. 

"You will, you Eliza and Izzy all will." He told her. 

"I know." She whispered, giving him a small smile. 

"And Allie, I know things didn't end well between us but I want us to be friends, I want you to know that if you ever need anything you can call me." He told her, staring into her eye's. How did he have the ability to make it seem like he was speaking straight to her soul?

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