Chapter 7

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Allie woke a week later to something that didn't usually occur in her apartment. Noise. She sat up in bed and listened for a moment before reality set in and she realised why there was noise in her apartment. It was full of people for the first time ever. She smiled at the thought.

She was so used to being by herself and now her sisters, their partners and her nephew were staying with her for a short time before the funeral was due to take place. Her Mum. Allie felt another stab in her heart as she thought about her. 

Her Mum had gone. She'd been murdered and so far the Aurors had absolutely no leads whatsoever. She still felt numb, like something had been taken out of her body and she didn't know how to put it back or make it feel better in any way. She turned her head and stared at the picture at the side of her bed of her, Eliza, Izzy and their Mum, all happy and smiling on a trip to Cornwall last year when they went to stay with Izzy and Dan. How had things changed so drastically. 

"Ryan! Have you seen Mason's Lion anywhere?" Allie shook her head and laughed a little as she climbed out of bed and headed into her wardrobe to pick out clothes for the day. Eliza had promised that she'd be as quiet as possible in the morning whilst they were staying with Allie. Mason usually woke early in the morning and she had said that she didn't want to disturb everyone. That hadn't lasted long at all. For the past two mornings Eliza had been shouting across the flat at her husband Ryan to find something of Mason's. 

But Allie didn't mind in the slightest. Before long the apartment would be quiet again and Eliza, Izzy and their families would be gone and yet again, she would be alone. 

"Good morning sunshine." Izzy smiled as Allie walked into the living room, fully dressed with her make up done and ready for the day ahead.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" Allie asked as she stood next to Izzy in the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. 

"Very well actually, did you?" Izzy asked as she pushed a cup of tea over the counter to her fiancé, Dan. 

"Not too bad." Allie shrugged. She had not been sleeping well at all in the week following her Mum's death. She kept having a recurring nightmare of her Mum being murdered in the Cafe by a figure in a dark cloak; all she could see was the green light flashing from their wand which was pointed towards Eva, who screamed in terror before falling to the ground. She couldn't seem to shake the dream out of her head. 

"Allie if you aren't sleeping take a sleeping potion to help you! You need to sleep to keep your head straight." Izzy told her, concern crossing her face. 

"She's right Allie, there's nothing worse than feeling tired when you're going through a trauma like this." Dan agreed from across the counter, giving her a sympathetic look. 

"I promise you both that if it doesn't get better i'll take a sleeping potion." She told them both to appease them; she knew that if she didn't agree Izzy and Dan wouldn't let it slide. 

"Be careful which one you take Al, I took one once and slept for two weeks straight." Ryan emerged from around the corner carrying Mason, who had just tried to escape into Izzy and Dan's guest bedroom. 

"I'll be sure to do that, thanks Ry." Allie laughed a little. That was typical of Ryan. Eliza had always said that if she left Ryan alone to his own devices for too long that he'd end up either in a ditch somewhere or in Azkaban. 

"That doesn't sound like you at all Ryan." Izzy said sarcastically, laughing as she took a seat beside him on the sofa and squeezing Mason's cheek lightly with a wide grin. 

"What doesn't sound like Ryan?" Eliza appeared into the living room carrying Mason's toy lion which she had apparently finally found. She gave Allie a small hug, which was her way of saying good morning, before sitting down in the chair that sat next to the sofa.

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