Chapter 3

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"For Merlin's sake Allie, you have more money than sense!" Izzy cried as the three of them sat down in a restaurant on Oxford Street later that day. 

"I just want to know how one person can buy that much stuff and have somewhere to put it!" Eliza exclaimed, eyeing Allie's shopping bags in shock. 

"We've all been in her apartment Liza, we know that her wardrobe is basically another room." Izzy rolled her eye's as she picked up the menu and began to read what was on offer.

"You two chose to settle down, I chose to work my way up as a PA and it comes with a very good salary." Liv shrugged, grinning at her sisters.

"Well one day i'm sure we'll see you getting married Allie." Eliza grinned, nudging her suggestively in the side. 

"With how my relationship status is looking at the minute Eliza it's going to be a longgggg time before we see that happening." Allie chuckled, picking up the menu to choose what she was going to eat. 

"I remember a time when your relationship prospects were better than Liza and I's." Izzy laughed, peering at Allie over the top of her menu. 

"You're treading in dangerous water Izzy." Eliza warned her, looking a little uneasy. Allie simply rolled her eye's. Her sisters loved to tease her about her past long term relationship even though it was nearly nine years ago. 

"I still to this day do not understand why you decided that you simply didn't want to be with him anymore Allie!" Izzy spat, taking a sip of her water which she had poured from a jug in the middle of the table. 

"Iz please, it's in the past. I don't want to talk about him and I certainly don't think about him anymore." Allie knew that this was a lie, she still thought about him sometimes and she had tried so hard to forget about that day...

"I'm just saying, you two had always seemed so in love! It just came out of nowhere and I remember how hurt you were Allie, I just don't want that to happen again and what if you ever see him again? I-"

"Izzy stop!" Eliza cried, looking at Izzy like she had gone mad. It had always been an unspoken rule between the sisters that they wouldn't speak of him or mention his name. 

James Potter. Allie had loved him so dearly back in their school days at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They had had a fantastic relationship for two people who were so young and it had lasted for nearly three years before Allie caught him with another girl, her best friend to be exact, Annabelle Reed. She had never understood why he decided that he didn't want to be with her anymore or why he had decided to cheat. Allie got to know his family really well, she became friends with his sister Lily and his cousin Rose and he had a close bond with Izzy and Eliza. The two families became friends when Allie's mother had invited his family to the Cafe for a meal and it had been lovely. 

However, on one summer day in July - just before they finished their final year at Hogwarts - Allie had confronted him about the affair. She had begged him to tell her the truth, but he just continued with his elaborate lie. She'd told him that he was lying, that she hated him and that she never wanted to see him again. He had just nodded, expressionless and that made Allie's heart ache even more. To this day, she had managed not to see him for nearly eight years. 

She'd never admitted to anyone what had happened. She'd been so ashamed that James had cheated on her that she didn't want to admit it to anybody. Instead, everyone thought that she'd merely decided to end their relationship. 

"Allie i'm so sorry! I didn't mean-" Izzy started, turning grey all of a sudden and realising what she'd done. 

"It's ok Izzy, I just still don't like talking about it. I've seen him in the newspaper with his family plenty of times and even managed to read the article - he is a Potter after all." Allie told her sister, squeezing her hand. The Potter family were extremely famous in the Wizarding World. James' father, Harry, was known for being 'The Chosen One' and the one who eventually defeated the dark wizard Lord Voldemort. Their mother had told them a lot about the Battle of Hogwarts which took place in 1998. It had only been her first year at Hogwarts and it ended in disaster with half of the school destroyed at the end of the Battle. As she was only 11 at the time, their mother had been unable to fight and was evacuated out of the castle, but she did remember living whilst Voldemort brought down the Ministry of Magic. 

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